[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Special Issue on "The Uncertain Web", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)

Michael Sheng qsheng at cs.adelaide.edu.au
Wed Oct 1 06:04:05 EDT 2014

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on "The Uncertain Web" in ACM
Transactions On Internet Technology.

The CFP can be found from:


Special Section Editors
- Djamal Benslimane, LIRIS, Lyon 1 University,
djamal.benslimane at univ-lyon1.fr
- Michael Sheng, The University of Adelaide, qsheng at cs.adelaide.edu.au
- Mahmoud Barhamgi, LIRIS, Lyon 1 University mahmoud.barhamgi at univ-lyon1.fr
- Henri Prade, IRIT, Paul Sabatier University, prade at irit.fr

Important Dates:
Submission: 15 November 2014
First decision: 15 January 2015
Revision: 01 March 2015
Final decision: 01 May 2015
Final: 01 June 2015
Publication: 31 November 2015

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