[AISWorld] Constructs, constructs, constructs...

Kai R. Larsen kai.larsen at Colorado.EDU
Sat Oct 18 17:19:32 EDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

The INN Construct Search Engine has been updated, doubling the number of constructs and articles. It now covers IS, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Sociology, Behavioral Medicine, Education, and Nursing.

Number of top-journal articles extracted: 5,600
Number of constructs/variables: 83,000
Number of questionnaire items: 60,000

Our short-term to middle-term plans include:

 1.  Integration with the IS Theory Wiki<http://istheory.byu.edu/wiki/Main_Page>.
 2.  Update of the IS Theory Wiki. Volunteers sought. Perfect for assignment within IS Theory Ph.D. Seminar.
 3.  Use our findings about the nature of constructs<http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0106361> to expand INN integration efforts.

Feedback is appreciated.

Best, Kai
Human Behavior Project<http://behavior.colorado.edu>
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado
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