[AISWorld] 1st Call for Papers: HWID2015 working conference on ³Interaction Design for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces² (IFIP TC13.6 WG)

Jose Abdelnour-Nocera Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera at uwl.ac.uk
Fri Nov 14 08:07:34 EST 2014

1st Call for Papers:

HWID2015 working conference on “Interaction Design for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces”


Venue: University of West London, Brentford Site, Boston Manor Road, TW8 9GA ,United Kingdom

Wednesday and Thursday, 25th – 26th of June 2015<x-apple-data-detectors://1>, in London, United Kingdom

Deadline for submissions: 1st of February 2015<x-apple-data-detectors://2>.


Theme, Scope and Focus:

The HUMAN WORK INTERACTION DESIGN 2015 (HWID 2015) working conference focuses on the integration of work analysis and interaction design methods for pervasive and smart workplaces.

Pervasive and smart technologies have pushed work-place configuration beyond linear logic and physical boundaries. As a result, workers’ experience of and access to technology is increasingly pervasive, and their agency constantly reconfigured. While this in certain areas of work is not new (e.g., technology mediation and decision support in air traffic control), more recent developments in other domains such as healthcare (e.g., Augmented Reality in Computer Aided Surgery) have raised challenging issues for HCI researchers and practitioners. The question now is: how to improve the quality of workers’ experience and outputs?

This working conference focuses on answering this question to support professionals, academia, national labs, and industry engaged in human work analysis and interaction design for the workplace. Conversely, tools, procedures, and professional competences for designing human-centered technologies for pervasive and smart workplaces will be discussed.

We are looking for submissions that provide the HCI field with sound tools, procedures, and professional competencies for designing human-centered technologies for pervasive and smart workplaces. Submissions will include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following topics:

- Learning from participants’ experiences in different work domains when applying work analysis to support the interaction design of pervasive and smart workplaces;

- Exploring how work analysis and interaction design have evolved, have to evolve, and can be made to co-evolve in order to support workers in pervasive and smart workplaces;

- Identify novel ideas, principles, and techniques for how interaction design for pervasive and smart workplaces can ensure high quality usability and user experience for workers;

- Addressing the sociotechnical gap in work analysis and interaction design, specifically the little understood gap between social requirements and technical designs.

- Designing simple interactions for complex work domains. How humans can manage the workers’ user experiences in pervasive and smart workplaces. These include enterprise, scientific and safety critical systems as well as fields such as digital archeology / heritage computing

Submission guidelines:

We invite two types of papers:

   • Full research papers (10 pages)
   • Industry – case studies & work in progress (4 pages)

For submissions to the working conference, the authors must use the LNCS templates and style files available in http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0 . All papers should be in the working conference publication format be submitted by 1st of February 2015<x-apple-data-detectors://4> via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hwid2015 .

An IFIP Springer copyright form must be filled in for each paper. They can be downloaded from http://www.springer.com/series/6102 .

Acceptance notification for conference papers:

Notification of acceptance will be provided by 1st April 2015<x-apple-data-detectors://7>. All accepted papers will be published in the working conference proceedings in the form of an electronic copy with ISBN and made available to the participants.

Selection of Papers for IFIP Springer Book:

During the review process, the reviewers are asked to evaluate (also among papers from industry and students) whether the paper is suitable for an IFIP Springer book. We aim at most accepted full research papers to be included here, but also the possibility to have a very interesting perspective from industry or similar represented. This IFIP Springer book will be available after the conference. In addition, four to five papers will be selected for further development for a special issue in the International Journal of Socio-technology and Knowledge Development.

Conference Chairs:

José Abdelnour Nocera, Associate Professor, University of West London, United Kingdom

Pedro Campos, Assistant Professor, University of Madeira, Portugal

Organising Committee

Torkil Clemmensen, Associate Professor, Department of IT Management, CBS, Denmark, Denmark

Dinesh Katre, Associate Director & HOD, Human-Centred Design & Computing, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India

Arminda Lopes, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal

Effie Law, Reader, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Barbara Rita Barricelli, Research fellow, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

About the conference:

The Human Work interaction Design (HWID) working conference is organized by IFIP TC 13.6 working group, see http://hwid.cbs.dk/. The 1st HWID conference was organized at Madeira, Portugal in 2006 (Clemmensen, Campos, Orngreen, Pejtersen, & Wong, 2006). The 2nd HWID conference took place at Pune, India in 2009 (Katre, Orngreen, Yammiyavar, & Clemmensen, 2010). The 3rd HWID conference was held at Copenhagen, Denmark in 2012 (Clemmensen, Abdelnour-Nocera, Campos, Katre, Lopes, Pejtersen, & Orngreen 2012). In continuation with this series of the IFIP WG 13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design, the 4th HWID conference will take place in London, England on the 25th and 26th of June<x-apple-data-detectors://12>.


Clemmensen, T., Campos, P., Orngreen, R., Pejtersen, A. M., & Wong, W. (Eds.). (2006). Human work interaction design: designing for human work: the first IFIP TC 13.6 WG conference: designing for human work. (Vol. 1). Springer.

Katre, D. S., Orngreen, R., Yammiyavar, P. G., & Clemmensen, T. (Eds.). (2010). Human Work Interaction Design: Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational Contexts. (Vol. 316). Hamburg: Springer.

Campos, P., Clemmensen, T., Nocera, J.A., Katre, D., Lopes, A., Ørngreen, R. (Eds.), (2013). Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and HCI, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.(Vol.407). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Dr. José Abdelnour Nocera
Associate Professor in Sociotechnical Design
School of Computing and Technology
Head of  Sociotechnical Centre for Innovation and User Experience
University of West London
St Mary’s Road, Ealing – London W5 5RF

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