[AISWorld] Help needed: survey on map customization

Map Annotation mapannotation at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 05:31:00 EST 2014

Dear colleagues,

We would like to get a better understanding on why and how people customize
paper and digital maps in a personal context (e.g. for traveling,
invitations, a blog, etc.). By customizing we refer to various activities
ranging from the simple highlighting of a point of interest with colors, to
more complex activities such as adding content or drawing an itinerary.
We would therefore very much appreciate your participation in this study:

Please also participate in case you have never customized a map as we are
also interested in finding out more about reasons for this (and in this
case the survey will be very quick).

All data collected with this survey will only be used within our research
project. It will further be fully anonymized for potential publication. The
complete study will take about 10-20 minutes in total.

Participants can win amazon vouchers. The survey will be closed by end of
December 2014.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to approach us
under mapannotation at gmail.com.

Please share the link to our study with your friends and colleagues.

Thank you very much in advance!

Anke Brock, Beat Signer, Brent Hecht and Johannes Schöning
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