[AISWorld] The 13th Workshop on e-Business (WeB) Program

Michael J. Shaw michaeljpshaw at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 00:39:36 EST 2014

Dear AIS Community,

      We are pleased to announce the 13th Workshop on E-Business (WeB)
Program, to be held on December 13 just before ICIS, as attached.


Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Michael J. Shaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 *Web 2014 Web Site: *http://web2014.ust.hk/index.php

*(ICIS Conference) Venue:

*Conference Agenda*

*WeB 2014: Date: Saturday December 13, 2014*

09:00 – 10:00

(Registration Open at 8:20)

Opening and Introduction

Keynote – Paulo Goes (Theater OGGB 5)

*"Design Science Research in Top-Tier IS Journals - Has anyone seen it?"*

10:00 – 10:15

Coffee Break (Theater OGGB 5)

10:15 – 11:15

Big Data Panel (Theater OGGB 5)

*Panel: “Leading Research and Teaching Opportunities in Big Data”*

*Panel Members: Paulo Goes, Alan Hevner, Ram Subramanyam, and David

11:30 – 12:30

Parallel Sessions

(Classroom 307, 315, 317)

*Session 1A*

*Chair: Raj Sharman*

*Matching Mobile Applications for Cross Promotion*

*Gene Moo Lee, Joowon Lee and Andrew B. Whinston*

*Could Restaurants Improve Their Online Reputations by Offering Deal
Promotion? Evidence from Groupon*

*Xitong Li*

*Localization of International Websites and Recall of Online Advertisements*

*Muller Y.M. Cheung and James Y. L. Thong*

*Session 1B*

*Chair: Prasanna Karhade*

*Service Digitization and Firm Performance: An Ambidexterity Perspective*

*Abhishek Kathuria, Mariana G. Andrade Rojas, Terence Saldanha and Jiban

*How Cloud Services Foster Future Business Models*

*Alexander Gromoff and Nikolay Kazantsev*

*An Empirical Analysis of Multi-Phased System Development in Crowdsourcing*

*Nirup Menon and Shun Ye*

*Session 1C*

*Chair: Hong Guo*

*The Use of De-listing/De-indexing as an Effective Strategy against
Copyright Infringement in Emerging Markets*

*S.H. Kwok, C.Y. Chu and K.L. Hui*

*Discovering Cultural Meaning Through Multimodal Analyses of a Large Corpus
of Arabic E-commerce Website Content*

*Divakaran Liginlal, Preetha Gopinath, Robert Meeds and Rizwan Ahmad*

*Meeting and Surpassing Service Quality Thresholds: Quality Dimensions in
Software Development and Maintenance Outsourcing*

*Ramanath Subramanyam, Wooje Cho and M.S. Krishnan*

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch (Fale)

14:00 – 15:00

Invited Session (Theater OGGB 5)  *E-Commerce and Social Media*

*Chairs: Ming Fan; Honghui Deng*

*A Predictive Model for Customer Purchase Behavior in E-Commerce Context*

*Jiangtao Qiu and Zhangxi Lin*

*A Study on Dynamic Interaction among Product Sales, Online Word-of-Mouth,
and E-Commerce Service Quality under a B2C Sales Platform*

*Ming Lei, Minxi Zhang, Honghui Deng, Marcus A. Rothenberger, and Natasa

*Survival of New Sellers in an Electronic Market*

*Ming Fan, Jane Tan, and Yong Tan*

*Follow Your Followees or the Crowd in Product Endorsements:
Identity-signaling on Social Shopping Websites*

*De Liu and Pei Xu*

*Framing Effect in Privacy Decision-Making in Context of Social Networks*

*Usman Aleem, Hasan Cavusoglu, and Izak Benbasat*

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee Break (Theater OGGB 5)

15:15 – 16:15

Parallel Sessions (Classroom 307, 315, 317)

*Session 2A*

*Chair: Gabrielle Peko*

*Interactivity on Social Network Sites*

*Ling-Ling Wu and Yi-Ting Wang*

*An Analysis of Users’ Collaboration in Online Game Community*

*Jooho Kim and Byungjoon Yoo*

*What’s Your Real Age?: An Empirical Analysis of Identity Fraud in Online

*Daehwan Ahn, Seongmin Jeon and Byungjoon Yoo*

*Session 2B*

*Chair: Ram Subramanyam*

*Is Risk-aversion Always for Gains?*

*Social Distance and Incentive Split on Online Referral Systems*

*Nan Shi and Kanliang Wang*

*A Synthesized Learning Approach for Personalized Recommendation in Tour

*Wei -Lun Chang and Chien-Fang Jung*

*Sentiment Manipulation: Evidence from the Movie Industry*

*Shun-Yang Lee, Liangfei Qiu and Andrew Whinston*

*Jump Bidding in Combinatorial Auction Markets: A Laboratory Experiment*

*Pallab Sanyal*

*Session 2C*

*Chair: Wooje Cho*

*A Big Data Approach to Rumor Mitigation in Twitter Microblog: A Case of
Boston Bombings*

*Rohit Valecha, Ankit Sultania, Varun Chandola, Manish Agrawal and H.
Raghav Rao*

*Mining Competitive Intelligence from Multiple News Resources*

*Yuan Xue, Yilu Zhou and Subhasish Dasgupta*

*Event-Driven Big Data Integration - Leveraging Big Data In Real-Time*

*John Hebeler and Victoria Yoon*

*The Hunt for Quality in a Market: Exploring the Relationship between Local
Market Structure and Digitized Customer Experience*

*Philipp Herrmann and Mohammad Rahman*

16:30 – 17:30

*Keynote – *Arun Rai  (Theater OGGB 5)

“*Big Data: Emergent Directions and Opportunities for Information Systems

17:45 – 19:00

*Conference* *Reception *

*(Social Bridge 5)*

*Sponsored By:  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; AIS SIGeBIZ*
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