[AISWorld] AMCIS 2015 Mini-Track Call for Papers - From Implementation to Adoption: Challenges to Successful E-government Diffusion

Brandis Phillips bphillip at ncat.edu
Mon Dec 8 09:30:52 EST 2014


Since the mid 1990s ICT has played an important role in incrementally
changing and shifting traditional and bureaucratic government models into
e-government structures where services are more conveniently delivered
according to customers' needs. E-government implementation efforts have now
evolved from basic information provisioning to more integrated service
offerings in most countries.  Similarly, many researchers have proposed
various stages of e-government development; these revolve mainly around four
phases, which are web presence, interaction, transaction and transformation
(or t-government). Having successfully e-enabled front office and customer
facing processes during early e-government efforts, most countries are now
working toward reengineering and e-enabling back office processes and
information systems to facilitate citizen centric e-government services
(i.e. t-government), which is considered the highest level of maturity for
e-government programmes.  T-government encompasses redefining the delivery
of government services by providing a single point of contact for citizens
and businesses that enables government transparency.   Also, from a demand
perspective, extensive efforts are required to increase citizens' awareness
about the transformation of the delivery of government services and their
online availability akin to ubiquitous mobile commerce. In order to prevent
a digital divide in terms of using e-government services, it is also
necessary that citizens from all segments of society are equipped with basic
ICT skills as well as private and or public access to high speed internet
connections (i.e. through the use of broadband connections at home or in
public places). The aforementioned issues may seem obvious; nonetheless, we
believe that they are critical challenges to various governments' plans for
diffusion as well as citizens' adoption of e-government services.
Subsequently, there are also many technical, organizational, managerial and
socio-economic challenges for successful implementation and adoption of
e-government, which needs attention from various stakeholders including
researchers and policy makers. The aim of this mini-track is to provide a
common platform for discussion and presentation of original research
highlighting issues related with technical, organizational, managerial and
socioeconomic aspects of e-government implementation and adoption from both
the government's and citizen's perspective.  


The mini-track welcomes papers on topics such as (but not limited to):

.         The development, implementation, control and maintenance of

.         Transformational government projects

.         Different process, information systems and technology integration

used in e-government and t-government projects

.         Enterprise architecture at various levels of government

.         IT-Governance, integrated service delivery and reengineering of
the public sector

.         Barriers to awareness, adoption and diffusion of e-government

.         Barriers to implementing transformational stage e-government (or

.         Evaluation of case studies

.         Technology alignments in e-government and t-government

.         Innovative applications and best practices in e-government and

.         Overview studies; development within countries, policies,
infrastructure facilities

and comparative studies (comparing countries)

.         Role of high-speed internet in encouraging adoption and diffusion
of e-government


.         Role of socio-economic determinants in encouraging adoption and
diffusion of e-government services

.         Policy and strategy to create and disseminate successful
e-government services

.         E-government and digital divide

.         Social Media usage by government to engage its citizenry

.         Mobile application access to and usage of e-government services

.         Big data awareness among government IT staff as well as usage of
tools and techniques for analysis 


Important Dates

January 5, 2015           Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin

February 25, 2015       AMCIS Manuscript submissions close for authors 

May 5, 2015                Final decisions on AMCIS 2015 program are made 


Mini-Track Chair


Brandis Phillips, Email: bphillip at ncat.edu

School of Business & Economics, North Carolina A & T State University, US

Phone: 336-285-3375




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