[AISWorld] British Academy of Management E-business/E-government SIG: PhD Workshop

david wastell dave_wastell at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 17 07:18:36 EST 2014

British Academy of Management E-business and E-government Special Interest Group

Doctoral Workshop: University of Sussex - 5/6 February 2015

The aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for doctoral students and early career researchers to present their work, receive constructive feedback from experienced academics, and to network with fellow research colleagues. The workshop will be run in two parallel streams. Each participant will have an hour allocated to present his/her research and engage in in-depth discussion with the facilitators as well as fellow colleagues focusing on participant research related issues. In addition, keynote speeches, before and after each stream, will provide up-to-date perspectives on research, focussing on all stages of the research process including theory development, relevant methodologies and a number of career-related topics. 

For further details:

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