[AISWorld] AMCIS 2015: Minitrack: Information Technology (IT)-enabled Supply Chain Management: Co-Creating and Capturing Business Value from IT

Samuel FOSSO WAMBA Samuel.FOSSO.WAMBA at neoma-bs.fr
Thu Jan 8 06:53:54 EST 2015

21st Americas Conference on Information Systems Puerto Rico, August 13-15, 2015



Track: e-Business (SIGeBIZ)

Minitrack: Information Technology (IT)-enabled Supply Chain Management: Co-Creating and Capturing Business Value from IT

Important Dates for AMCIS 2015:
January 5, 2015: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin

February 25, 2015: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors
Tuesday, April 21, 2015: Authors notified about the disposition of their papers.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015:  Authors submit camera-ready revision of their papers.

May 5, 2015: Final decisions on AMCIS 2015 program are made

Instructions for authors at: AMCIS website ( http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/ )


The preoccupation with supply chain management (SCM) has been present over the last few decades. Numerous studies have pointed to the need to increase the level of integration of inter- and intra-organizational processes and information systems in order to achieve a greater level of seamlessness and reduce duplication efforts and corresponding inefficiencies. The advent of new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Bluetooth, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) II) should accelerate this trend. For example, the combination of intelligent products and intelligent services enabled by RFID with the existing ICTs in supply chains should play a facilitating role - thus allowing greater visibility of products and services to supply chain members -, and in parallel offer more opportunities for quick and efficient supply chain activities. Supply chain members should therefore face greater strain as they will be expected to manage not only their own activities in relation to those products and services, but also the integration of upstream and downstream core business processes and inter- and intra-organizational information systems. In this context, collaboration between the supply chain stakeholders to co-create and capture value from ITs for their economic growth sustainability becomes not only a prerequisite, but also a major challenge.  This mini-track aims to look at how to co-create and capture business value from new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII) both at the firm and supply chain levels.

Suggested topics, but are not limited to:

1.      IT-enabled business analytics at the firm and supply chain levels

2.      Business process modeling & simulation, business process redesign from new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID , Bluetooth, ERPII) at the firm and supply chain levels

3.      Modeling and simulation of the business value of new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII) on quality management

4.      Modeling and simulation of the costs and risks associated with the deployment of new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII) at firm and supply chain levels

5.      Modeling and simulation of financial, managerial, leadership, and human resources required for projects of new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII)

6.      Case studies on the implementation of new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII)  for business value co-creation at the firm and supply chain levels

7.      Enabling innovative electronic business models using new concepts (e.g., social media, Web 2.0, 'Big Data', 'Open data', 'Internet of Things', 'Web of Things', green supply chain) and technologies (e.g., RFID technology, Bluetooth, ERPII) in various sectors (e.g., healthcare, retail, manufacturing)

Minitrack Chairs:
a)     Dr Samuel Fosso Wamba, CompTIA RFID+ Certified Professional
Associate Professor,
NEOMA Business School, Rouen, France
Phone: +33
Fax : + 33
Email: Samuel.FOSSO.WAMBA at neoma-bs.fr<mailto:Samuel.FOSSO.WAMBA at neoma-bs.fr>
Web page : www.samuelfossowamba.com<http://www.samuelfossowamba.com>

b)     Dr Ygal Bendavid, CompTIA RFID+ Certified Professional
Professor, Operation Management, Department of Management and Technology
School of Management
The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montréal, Canada
Phone: +1514 9873000(2429)
Fax : +1514 987 3343
E-mail: bendavid.ygal at uqam.ca<mailto:bendavid.ygal at uqam.ca>

c)     Dr Shahriar Akter
Lecturer, School of Management & Marketing
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia
Phone: +61 2 4221 3377
Fax : +61 2 4227 2785
e-mail: sakter at uow.edu.au<mailto:sakter at uow.edu.au>

d)    Prof. Dr-Ing. Thomas Tamo Tatietse, HDR
The Ecole Polytechnique, University of  Yaoundé I
BP 8390 Yaoundé, Cameroun
Phone: + 237 22 03 34 26
Fax : + 237 22 22 45 47
e-mail: thom2t at yahoo.fr<https://webmail.myfirst.fr/owa/redir.aspx?C=f9227db0c5304fc48386acbef748eedc&URL=mailto%3athom2t%40yahoo.fr>

e)    Dr. Peter L Mkhize
Senior lecturer
School of Computing, University of South Africa
GJ Gerwel Building C3-38
Tel. +27 11 471 3565
Fax. +27 86 538 2821
e-mail: mkhizpl at unisa.ac.za<mailto:mkhizpl at unisa.ac.za>

Publication opportunities:
Selected authors with paper on big data and business analytics will also be invited to submit an extended version (with at least 45% improvement) of their conference paper to a special issue of the Business Process Management Journal. The improved articles will be placed in a fast-track of review. However, the manuscript will need to meet the journal publication standard for publication.  For more information: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=5912

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