[AISWorld] AMCIS Mini-Track CFP: Application of Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems

Vijayan Sugumaran sugumara at oakland.edu
Sat Jan 17 07:13:18 EST 2015

21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS’15)

Puerto Rico, August 13-15, 2015


Mini-track: Application of Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems

Track: Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (SIGODIS)




Multi-agent systems and semantic technologies have been recognized as one of
the most important Information Technologies and have received considerable
attention from both academia and industry. While research on various aspects
of multi-agent systems and semantic technologies is progressing at a fast
pace, there are still a number of issues that have to be explored in terms
of the design and implementation of agent based systems. The purpose of this
mini-track is to provide a forum for academics and practitioners to identify
and explore the issues and opportunities in using agent technologies for the
design, implementation, and deployment of intelligent systems. This
mini-track is intended to increase cross-fertilization of ideas from various
domains, and share the lessons learned. It is expected to serve as the
spring-board for gathering and disseminating experiences gained in
implementing and integrating agent based systems. 


Best papers from this mini-track will be fast tracked for publication in a
special issue of International Journal of Intelligent Information
Technologies (http://www.idea-group.com/IJIIT).


Suggested topics include, but not limited to the following:


*         Application of intelligent agent and multi-agent systems in
different domains

*         Distributed Intelligent Systems

*         Agent communication, collaboration, and coordination

*         Agents and web data mining

*         Multi-agent technology and grid computing

*         Architectures, environments and languages for e-commerce agents

*         Automated shopping and trading agents

*         Agent-based auction, negotiation and decision making

*         Agent building tools and environments

*         Agent driven interoperability and distributed decision support

*         Software agents and knowledge management

*         Agent-based Business Analytics

*         Business Intelligence and multi-agent systems

*         Intelligent technologies for big data analytics


Submission Process


Paper submissions must be made electronically through AMCIS 2015 Manuscript
Submission Site https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2015. For submission
guidelines, please refer to


Important Dates


February 25, 2015:      Manuscript submission deadline

April 21, 2015:            Author notification

April 28, 2015:            Camera-ready submission due


For more information, please visit the conference website at
http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/ or contact the mini-track co-chairs.


Mini-track Co-Chairs


Vijayan Sugumaran                          Stefan Kirn

Oakland University                             Universität Hohenheim

sugumara at oakland.edu <mailto:sugumara at oakland.edu>
stefan.kirn at uni-hohenheim.de <mailto:stefan.kirn at uni-hohenheim.de>  




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