[AISWorld] Call For Papers - APBPM 2015

Raffaele Conforti raffaele.conforti at qut.edu.au
Sun Jan 25 15:25:08 EST 2015

I would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Asia-Pacific Conference on Business Process
Management 2015 (APBPM'15) - www.ap-bpm.org to be held on June 24 - 26, 2015, in Busan,

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Business Process Management 2015 (APBPM'15) is the third
edition of the reference conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of
Business Process Management (BPM) in the region. It aims to provide a high quality forum
for researchers and practitioners to exchange research findings and ideas on BPM
technologies and practices that are highly relevant to the Asia-Pacific region. At the
same time, the conference committee welcomes submissions on relevant topics from all over
the world. A key objective of the conference is to set up a bridge between actual
industrial requirements and leading edge research outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region.

The deadline for submission is February 4, 2015.

The topics for research papers include, but are not limited to:
- Process modeling languages
- Process modeling notations
- Process model repositories
- Process patterns
- Process reference models
- Process configuration
- Process model change and evolution
- Business process monitoring
- Adaptive process control
- Process-driven performance management
- Process diagnosis
- Optimized execution of business processes
- Context-aware process management
- BPM system architectures and platforms
- Service oriented architectures for BPM
- Open-source BPM,
- Mobile and social BPM
- Cloud computing and BPM
- Process knowledge discovery
- Business Intelligence for business processes
- Log analytics in Internet of Things (IoT) environments
- Social network analysis from event log
- Operational intelligence using process mining techniques
- Complex event processing
- Process data analytics and visualization
- Business process improvement
- Data-driven processes
- Big data in BPM
- Decision science and BPM
- Supply Chain Processes
- Logistics process management
- Data mining for Business Processes
- Experience reports from BPM implementations within the Asia-Pacific region
- Case studies carried out within the Asia-Pacific region (BPM in logistics,
manufacturing, healthcare, etc.)

Papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNBIP formatting guidelines (for
instructions and style sheets see http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0).
Submissions must be in English. Full papers must not exceed 15 pages. Short papers are
limited to at most 4 pages. The title page must contain a short abstract clarifying the
relation of the paper with the topics above. The paper must clearly state the problem
being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other
work. Papers should be submitted electronically as a self-contained PDF file via the
APBPM'15 submission system. Submissions must be original contributions that have not
been published previously, nor already submitted to other conferences or journals in
parallel with this conference. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format
via the APBPM'15  EasyChair submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apbpm2015

All accepted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by
LNBIP. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference and
present the paper. A selection of papers accepted for and presented at APBPM 2015 will be
invited for a special issue in the International Journal of Industrial Engineering:
Theory, Applications and Practice (IJIETAP), which is indexed by SCIE, EI/Compendex, etc.

I will be grateful to you for advertising APBPM 2015 and forwarding the information below
to your colleagues and doctoral students.

Best regards,
Raffaele Conforti (on behalf of the other co-chairs)
Publicity co-chair for APBPM 2015


Dr Raffaele Conforti
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: (+61) (07) 3138 0462
Web: www.raffaeleconforti.com
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