[AISWorld] Call for Papers: JAIS-endorsed Paper Development Workshop @ PACIS 2015

Chuan-Hoo TAN ch.tan at cityu.edu.hk
Tue Feb 24 04:26:24 EST 2015

JAIS-endorsed Paper Development Workshop


We are calling for papers for the JAIS-endorsed Paper Development Workshop Associated with PACIS 2015 in Singapore.

Since December 2002, the senior editors and the editorial board members of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) have organized a number of successful paper development workshops associated with key conferences in Information Systems, such as ICIS and ECIS. In 2015, they will hold the JAIS paper development workshop in Asia with association with PACIS 2015.

This workshop is scheduled to occur from 1-5pm on Monday, July 6, 2015. The exact location of the workshop will be announced at a later date. The current plan (tentatively) is to have it in the National University of Singapore (NUS) campus.

*** Workshop information ***
The workshop not only promotes scholarship that focuses developing new theoretical advances in the field of information systems but also encourages research works that are of high potential impacts on the society. Workshop participants will receive very focused and constructive discussions on their drafts with invited esteemed scholars in the field as well as the current and former JAIS senior editors and members of the JAIS editorial board. The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for feedback from participants who are also actively developing work for future journal submission that is not restricted to JAIS. 

Once completed, participants are not obliged to submit their works to JAIS, although JAIS is a top-quality outlet in the information systems field that welcomes conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers. In fact, a number of papers accepted for past workshops have been submitted yearly to the journal for publication consideration and fast tracking.

Prior to the workshop, participants whose papers have been accepted will receive one to three papers to read and review. The reviews follow a brief, structured format that allows participants to critique their own papers and those of other participants. The reviews constructively comment and recommend ways to improve participants’ papers.

During the workshop, participants meet in small groups with a JAIS senior editor, editorial board members, and esteemed scholars in the field. In these groups, participants receive feedback on their own paper, and provide feedback on others’ papers. The current/former JAIS senior editor and editorial board members facilitate the discussion so that each participant has equal time to receive comments from the group’s members.

Selection for the JAIS paper development workshop is competitive. This workshop not only addresses theory building, conceptual foundations, and model development issues but also encourages research works that are of high impact potentials. Thus, the workshop welcomes submissions that demonstrate new theory development and those that could potentially raise practical interests. Papers currently under review or under revision at other journals or conferences should not be submitted.

*** Application details ***
The application deadline is April 15, 2015. Papers should be no more than 35 pages in length (max 8000 words), double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font, with citations in JAIS format (http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/format.html).

To submit a paper to the workshop, email an electronic copy of your paper (including three or four key words on the abstract page) to ch.tan at cityu.edu.hk with “JAIS PAPER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP APPLICATION” as the subject of your email. The review process is double-blind, so all authors’ names, institutions, and email addresses should only appear in the body of the submission email.

We will acknowledge your submission on or before April 20, 2015. If we have not acknowledged your submission by this date, then please contact the Chuan-Hoo Tan (ch.tan at cityu.edu.hk) after this date about your submission’s status. Individuals selected as participants will be notified on or before May 16, 2015.

*** Important Dates ***
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2015
Submission Acknowledged: April 20, 2015
Notification of Accepted Papers: May 16, 2015

Note that every participant of the workshop needs to register for PACIS 2015. The early registration deadline is May 22, 2015 (http://pacis2015.comp.nus.edu.sg/index.html). A nominal fee of SG$ 30 is charged for participation in the workshop .

If you have any questions about the submission process, please direct them to Chuan-Hoo Tan (workshop coordinator) at ch.tan at cityu.edu.hk.

Atreyi Kankanhalli and Choon Ling Sia (workshop co-chairs and current JAIS senior editors)
Hock-Hai Teo (workshop advisor and former JAIS senior editor)
Chuan-Hoo Tan and David Phang (workshop coordinators)

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