Martina Greiner mgreiner at unomaha.edu
Mon Mar 2 13:12:35 EST 2015

The MWAIS Chapter is soliciting nominations for the President-Elect and Treasurer position. For more information see below and visit the Chapter webpage (www.mwais.org<http://www.mwais.org>) or contact Martina Greiner by email at mgreiner at unomaha.edu<mailto:mgreiner at unomaha.edu>. Please send nominations to mgreiner at unomaha.edu<mailto:mgreiner at unomaha.edu> or any board member by April 10th. Elections will be held at the annual MWAIS conference in Pittsburg, KS, on May 14-15, 2015.

Description of President-Elect (and President) Position:
The President-Elect serves as a general assistant to the President and assumes the office of President at the end of the term of office of the President. The President is the chief executive officer of the Chapter. The President's primary duties are:
- Preside over all meetings of the members of the Chapter.
- Call and chair all Executive Board meetings.
- Designate all committees and their chairpersons, with the concurrence of the Executive Board.
- Supervise all other officers of the Chapter and see that their duties are properly performed.
- Accept and receive donations, gifts, devises, and bequests.
- Coordinate  the  Chapter's  activities  and  conduct any necessary business with external organizations.
- Ensure that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Board are put into effect.
- Submit at the annual general meeting an annual activity report of the operations of the Chapter for the preceding year.
- Assure the timely submission of all requested forms, documents, and communications to and from AIS.

Description of Treasurer Position:
As an MWAIS officer, the Treasurer is a member of the Executive Board. Duties include attending meetings (often held over Skype during the academic year), contributing to decision making for the organization, and reporting on the financial status of the Chapter. According to the By Laws, the term of office is two years.
The primary duties are:
- To maintain the financial records of the Chapter and produce an annual financial report.
- To review all applications for membership and maintain a membership roster.
- To submit an annual Financial Report to the AIS Vice President of SIGs and Chapters.

Martina Greiner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis
College of IS & T
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0392
Phone: (402) 554- 2174
Fax: (402) 554-3284
mgreiner at unomaha.edu

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