[AISWorld] call for papers it dubai 2015 nov

Jose Jose at uaeu.ac.ae
Wed Mar 4 06:49:51 EST 2015

Dear Colleague,

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
Call for Papers, Submission deadline: 30 May 2015

2015 11th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT'15)

November 01-03, 2015, Dubai, UAE.

Conference website: http://www.it-innovations.ae/

Please feel free to distribute the IIT'15 CFP to your colleagues, students and networks.

IIT'15 is technically sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society.  Conference Publication Services, and will be submitted for publication in Computer Society Digital Library indexed in IEEE Xplore digital library, and all other global indices.

Selected papers from IIT'15 will be invited for possible publications in special issues of journals. Extended papers will be published in a Springer Book.

IIT’15 brings together leading innovators in Research & Development and Entrepreneurs in IT from around the world. The latest advances in fields from traditional computer science to evolving smart applications and technologies are explored in IIT’15 conference tracks. IIT’15 is an excellent opportunity to present theoretical, experimental as well as visionary research on various IT topics. The themes of IIT’15 are "Smart Cities, Big Data and Sustainable Development" and all the technologies that are required to provide better living conditions in the cities of tomorrow. This theme will be reflected by a number of tracks which focus on different aspects of related technologies such as big data and cloud computing, collaborative platforms, communication infrastructures, smart health, smart learning, social participation, sustainable development and energy management.  All of those themes will be brought together by unifying invited high quality keynotes and panels.


Topics of interest include but not limited to the following major tracks/themes. Research papers are invited but not limited to the following areas:

Track A: Innovations in Information and Communication Infrastructures
- Advanced Network Technologies, Heterogeneous networks, and Real Time Networks
- Quality of Services
- Next Generation of Mobile Networks
- Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks
- Distributed Systems, Grid Computing
- Smart Grid
- Mobility Management and Mobile computing
- Information and Cyber Security for Smart Living Spaces
Track B: Internet of Things (IoT)
ICT Architecture for IoT
- System design, Modeling and Simulation
- Grid Computing , and Cloud Computing
- Real-Time Systems for IoT, Autonomic Systems
- Security, Privacy, Trust and Reliability
- Software Design and Development of IoT-Based Applications
- Intelligent Data Processing
- Smart Appliances & Wearable Computing Devices
Track C: Smart Collaborative Platforms and Logistics
Agile Information Systems
- Design, Modeling and Simulation of Collaborative Applications
- Practice and Experiences of Collaborative Applications
- Risk Management, Smart Business
- Middleware Support for Collaboration
- Real-Time Information Sharing and Interaction
- AI and Decision-Support Systems
Track D: Big Data and Smart Applications
- Big Data Analytics and Algorithms
- High Performance Computing and Real-Time of Big Data Processing
- Big Data Storage and Distribution
- Data Mining
- Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
- Middleware for Smart Applications
- e-Health, Smart Learning, Intelligent Processing and Intelligent Applications
Track E: Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
- Theory, Tools and Applications
- System Design, Modeling and Simulation
- Testbeds and Experiences
- Algorithms for Energy Efficiency
- Middleware
- Design and Development of Protocols for Sustainable energy
- Design and Development of Secure and Resilient Systems


IIT'15 seeks original manuscripts (of up to 6 pages maximum in IEEE two-column format) describing research in all aspects of IT that contribute to the conference themes. Papers submitted to the conference should present original work that has not been previously published or is currently under review by other conferences or journals.  All papers will be peer reviewed, and authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. Submissions of tutorial, special session, and workshop proposals are also welcome. The submission guidelines are available at
Paper submission should be done through http://www.edas.info


Papers and Posters Submission                   30 May 2015
Submission of Tutorials                         30 May 2015
Notification of Papers and Posters              15 July 2015
Notification for Tutorials                      15 July 2015
Submission of Organizing Workshops Proposals    01 March 2015
Notification for Organizing Workshops Proposals 15 March 2015
Final Camera-Ready Paper                       01 September 2015

We look forward to welcoming you in Dubai at IIT'15 in November 2015.

On behalf of the IIT'15 Organizing Committee


Dr.Ing Jose Berengueres
Assistant Professor  UAE University -  Medialab E1 - room 3071
P.O.Box 15551, Al Ain, UAE
T: +971553519573
E: jose at uaeu.ac.ae<mailto:jose at uaeu.ac.ae>
W: http://faculty.uaeu.ac.ae/jose/

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