[AISWorld] Abstract Announcement for Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 23(1)

Choon Ling SIA drsiacl at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 22:20:19 EDT 2015

The contents of the latest issue of:
*Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)*
Impact Factor: *0.483*
Volume 23, Issue 1, January - March 2015
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1062-7375; EISSN: 1533-7995;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA

Editor(s)-in-Chief: Choon Ling Sia (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

*Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted
to the Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM). All manuscripts are
accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.*


A Hybrid Cloud Model for Cloud Adoption by Multinational Enterprises

Wu He (Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences,Old
Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA), Feng-Kwei Wang (Chinese Culture
University, Taipei, Taiwan)

As a new IT paradigm for users, cloud computing has the potential to
transform the way that IT resources are utilized and consumed. Many
multinational enterprises (MNEs) are interested in cloud computing but do
not know how to adopt and implement cloud computing in their enterprise
settings. In an effort to help MNEs understand cloud computing and develop
successful enterprise adoption strategies for cloud computing, the authors
propose a hybrid cloud model for MNEs and illustrate the utility of this
model by using two case studies. Insights for adopting and implementing
this model in international settings are provided as well.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.

To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.


>From Adoption to Routinization of B2B e-Commerce: Understanding Patterns
Across Europe

Tiago Oliveira (NOVA IMS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1070-312, Lisbon,
Portugal), Gurpreet Dhillon (School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA, USA)

The authors present an in depth understanding of B2B e-commerce adoption
and routinization across Europe. The research was informed by the
technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework. A sample of
7,172 firms across Europe was used. A seven factor model is presented that
includes technology readiness, technology integration, firm size,
obstacles, education level, competitive pressure, and trading partner
collaboration, which inform B2B adoption and routinization. Based on
adoption and routinization, clusters of European countries, are identified
and factors presented that ensure movement from one cluster to the other.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.

To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.


What Drives Information Security Policy Violations among Banking
Employees?: Insights from Neutralization and Social Exchange Theory

Pei-Lee Teh (Monash University, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia), Pervaiz K. Ahmed
(Monash University, Bandar Sunway, Malaysia), John D'Arcy (University of
Delaware, Newark, DE, USA)

Employees' information security policy (ISP) violations are a major problem
that plagues organizations worldwide, particularly in the banking/financial
sector. Research shows that employees use neutralization techniques to
rationalize their ISP violating behaviors; it is therefore important to
understand what leads to and influences these neutralization techniques.
The authors' study draws upon social exchange theory to develop a set of
factors that drive employees' neutralization of ISP violations. The model
specifies previously untested relationships between job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, role conflict, role ambiguity, and
neutralization techniques. Using a sample of Malaysian banking employees,
the authors found a positive relationship between role conflict and
neutralization of ISP violations, whereas organizational commitment was
negatively related to neutralization in this context. The authors' findings
offer fresh insights for scholars and practitioners in dealing with the
problem of employees' intentional ISP violations while extending the reach
of neutralization theory beyond North American and European cultures.

To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.

To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.

For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the *Journal
of Global Information Management (JGIM)* in your institution's library.
This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated
*"InfoSci-Journals"* database: www.igi-global.com/isj


Mission of JGIM:

The *Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)* publishes original
material concerned with all aspects of global information resources
management. JGIM is the primary forum for researchers and practitioners to
disseminate the evolving knowledge in the theory and practice related to
information technology and management of information resources at the
international level. The journal emphasizes the managerial and
organizational facets of information technology resources management.
Articles published in JGIM deal with a vast number of issues concerning
usage, failure, success, policies, strategies, and applications of
information technology in organizations in and across developed, emerging
and developing nations.

Indices of JGIM:

   - ABI/Inform
   - ACM Digital Library
   - Aluminium Industry Abstracts
   - Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)
   - Bacon's Media Directory
   - Burrelle's Media Directory
   - Cabell's Directories
   - Ceramic Abstracts
   - Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index)
   - Computer & Information Systems Abstracts
   - Corrosion Abstracts
   - CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts
   - CSA Illumina
   - CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts
   - Current Contents®/Social & Behavioral Sciences
   - DBLP
   - DEST Register of Refereed Journals
   - EBSCOhost's Business Source
   - EBSCOhost's Computer & Applied Sciences Complete
   - EBSCOhost's Computer Science Index
   - EBSCOhost's Current Abstracts
   - EBSCOhost's Library/Information Science & Technology Abstracts with
   - Electronics & Communications Abstracts
   - Emerald Abstracts
   - Engineered Materials Abstracts
   - Gale Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media
   - Google Scholar
   - Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts
   - ISBIB
   - Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition
   - JournalTOCs
   - KnowledgeBoard
   - Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
   - Library Literature & Information Sciences
   - Materials Business File - Steels Alerts
   - MediaFinder
   - Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
   - PubList.com
   - Social Sciences Citation Index®
   - Social Scisearch®
   - Solid State & Superconductivity Abstracts
   - The Index of Information Systems Journals
   - The Standard Periodical Directory
   - Thomson Reuters
   - Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

Coverage of JGIM:

The Journal's coverage is increasingly international and cross functional.
Topics are far ranging and can be specific to the sections within each of
the three mentioned categories. Manuscripts describing the use of
innovative methodologies in international research are sought. Articles
that include a comparison of data gathered from multiple countries and
cultures are especially encouraged. Results should attempt to draw
conclusions of a cross-cultural nature. Authors of single country studies
are requested to extend their findings, where possible, to include
implications to global information management practice and research. Topics
should be drawn from the following categories:

   - Global enterprise systems and e-commerce
   - Global IT and government
   - Global IT diffusion and infrastructure
   - Global IT in library and information management
   - Global manufacturing and R&D information systems
   - Global marketing and human resources information systems
   - Global qualitative IS research
   - Global telecommunications and data security
   - IT in Europe
   - IT in Latin and North Americas
   - IT in the Asia Pacific
   - IT in the Middle East and Africa

Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
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