[AISWorld] CFP: Social Media and Enterprise minitrack at HICSS-49, January 5-8, 2016 (Nancy Deng)

Xuefei Deng xuefei at hawaii.edu
Fri Apr 3 21:53:25 EDT 2015

===== Summary =====
Minitrack: Social Media and Enterprise

Track: Digital and Social Media

Conference: 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Submission Starts: April 1, 2015

Submission deadline: June 15, 2015, midnight, HST

Conference Date: January 5-8, 2016

Conference location: Grand Hyatt, Kauai, Hawaii
Author Instructions: http://www.hicss.org/#!author-instructions/c1dsb
The social media is transforming the workplace in organizations.
Increasingly companies are launching social media behind their firewalls to
encourage employees to share information, locate expertise, and engage in
collaborations. Companies such as Best Buy, Deloitte, Microsoft, and IBM
have hosted their internal social networking sites to enhance their
communication and collaboration within and across organizational
boundaries. The proliferation of social media in organizations has opened
up new opportunities, but at the same time it has also raised new work and
workplace related concerns and challenges. We argue that in order for the
organizations to amplify the returns and mitigate the drawbacks of using
social media in workplaces, it is imperative to systematically and
empirically examine organizational issues and challenges arising in the
adoption and use of social media in enterprise. Therefore, in this
mini-track we invite research on opportunities, challenges, and
consequences associated with social media adoption and use in enterprise.

Authors are invited to submit papers that address issues related to the
enterprise social media. Potential issues and topics include, but are not
limited to:

Social media and workplace relationship

Social media enabled work/job design

New organizational work issues arising from the use of enterprise social

Impact of digitization on the nature of work and on workplace

Effects of enterprise social media on communication and collaboration

Effects of enterprise social media on geographically distributed teams and

Effects of enterprise social media on workforce productivity,
innovativeness, and effectiveness

Effects of social media addiction on work performance

Enterprise social media and work and information flows

Information security and the use/misuse of enterprise social media

IS/IT architecture for enterprise social media

IS/IT support services needed to support enterprise social media

Job characteristics and social media

Job design for a digital platform

Job or work level success factors of enterprise social media

Work-life balance and social media enabled workplace

Methodologies for studying enterprise social media and work/job design

Development of new theories to describe and explain the phenomenon of using
social media in workplace

URL: http://www.hicss.org/#!social-media-and-enterprise/c71r

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Xuefei (Nancy) Deng (Primary Contact)

California State University, Dominguez Hills

Tel: (310) 243-3014

Email: ndeng at csudh.edu

K. D. Joshi

Washington State University

Tel: (509) 335-5722

Email: joshi at wsu.edu

Yibai Li

The University of Scranton

Tel: (509) 335-7822

Email: yibai.li at scranton.edu

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