[AISWorld] Save the Dates: SMART Workshop August 22-23, 2015

Param Vir Singh psidhu at cmu.edu
Sat May 2 10:41:12 EDT 2015


The Structural Modeling Applications for Research in Technology (S.M.A.R.T)
society will host a workshop on August 22-23, 2015 at Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh.


Structural Modeling methods are being increasingly used in research on
Technology. The purpose of the workshop is to introduce PhD
students/researchers to structural modeling methods. As most of the
researchers involved in structural modeling would agree that the upfront
cost of learning and applying structural modeling is a quite steep. It is
even steeper if one does not have economics department teaching courses on
structural modeling. The workshop would aim to reduce the upfront cost of
learning a bit by providing several hands-on tutorials on the structural
modeling. The aim of the workshop is also to open up common ground for
future discussions between PhD students and colleagues across schools who
use/ wish to use structural modeling methods in Information Systems


Workshop Format:

Day 1: Tutorial Day

Several hands on tutorials (directed primarily at doctoral students) on
Structural Modeling. Three particular models will be covered this year:

1. Structural Demand Estimation Using Aggregate Data

2. Single Agent Dynamic Structural Optimization Model.

                                    3. Dynamic Structural Game Model.

Day 2: Student Competition

Based on data models from Day 1, we will provide models and datasets to
students to estimate at the end of Day 1. Students will work in groups to
come up with their solutions. On Day 2 there will be presentations by the
students on their estimation strategies. the objective of this exercise is
to ensure that the students can apply the learning from Day 1. Further, it
will help the instructors see where students struggle and help the students
on the spot.


Everyone is invited to the workshop. However for the tutorial day, we would
restrict the number of PhD students that we would accept for attending the
workshop to a max of 40.


Conference Chairs:      Anindya Ghose, New York University

Param Vir Singh, Carnegie Mellon University

Yong Tan, University of Washington

Vibhanshu Abhishek, Carnegie Mellon University

Beibei Li, Carnegie Mellon University



Tutorial Chairs:        

Rajiv Garg, University of Texas, Austin

Yan Huang, University of Michigan

Yingda Lu, Rensselaer Polytechnic University

Param Vir Singh, Carnegie Mellon university



Best Regards,

Anindya, Param, Yong, Vibs, Beibei


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