[AISWorld] 10th Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Glenn S. Dardick gdardick at dardick.net
Mon May 4 08:21:30 EDT 2015


10th ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law

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Venue: Daytona Beach, Florida USA

Dates: 19-21 May 2015

Conference Website:

Dear colleagues:

The ADFSL 2015 Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law will be held on May 19-21, 2015.  The venue for the conference will be on the campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida.

The ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law is a unique and innovative event.  It is managed by the Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL). The conference focuses on the current and expanding role of digital forensics within investigations and the courts as well as its important role within cyber security - both national as well as corporate. Topics not only include technology and evidence, but also are very much focused on how to prepare students for careers in digital forensics. Conference papers are double blind refereed and provide a forum for high quality research, communication and debate on the subject of digital forensics and directly related fields.

The conference is of particular interest to individuals who are interested in developing curriculum and teaching methods as well as conducting research related to the areas of digital forensics, security, and law. This conference will be of value to both academic and practitioner audiences.

All research papers and case studies are double blind peer reviewed. Selected papers from the conference will be considered for inclusion in the  Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Keynote Speakers

*         Jeff Salyards - Executive Director of the Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC), Forest Park, Georgia. Prior to his current position, he served as the Chief Scientist for the US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL). Before coming to USACIL, he was a Principal Analyst with Analytical Services and authored a study about the best methods to train military operators in material collection during the conduct of operations. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from Montana State University, a Masters of Forensic Sciences from The George Washington University and has completed a Fellowship in Forensic Medicine from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. A former Director of the Defense Computer Forensic Laboratory and AFOSI Special Agent, he has 24 years of combined experience in investigations, forensic consulting and teaching. He served as the Deputy for Operations and Assistant Professor at the Air Force Academy Chemistry Department and was honored with the Outstanding Academy Educator Award. Dr. Salyards has served on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board, the Department of Justice National Steering Committee for Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, the Council of Federal Forensic Laboratory Directors, the ASCLD Board of Directors, and as a Commissioner for the Forensic Education Programs Accreditation Commission. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and has an impressive list of publications and presentations. Dr. Salyards is also a retired commissioned officer in the United States Air Force. He has been married for 21 years and has three daughters.

*         Craig Ball - Board Certified trial lawyer, certified computer forensic examiner, law professor and electronic evidence expert He's dedicated his career to teaching the bench and bar about forensic technology and trial tactics. After decades trying lawsuits, Craig limits his practice to service as a court-appointed special master and consultant in computer forensics and e-discovery. A prolific contributor to educational programs worldwide--having delivered over 1,600 presentations and papers--Craig's articles on forensic technology and electronic discovery frequently appear in the national media. For nine years, he wrote the award winning column on computer forensics and e-discovery for American Lawyer Media called "Ball in your Court." Craig Ball has served as the Special Master or testifying expert on computer forensics and electronic discovery in some of the most challenging, front page cases in the U.S.

Presentations Invited and Scheduled for Presentation

*         Mohamed Chawki, Chief Judge of The Council of State, Egypt - "Tackling online child pornography: An Egyptian case study"

*         Gareth Davies, University of South Wales, UK - "Firmware Forensics"

*         Joseph J. Schwerha, IV, Attorney at Law, Pennsylvania, USA - "Potential Changes to eDiscovery Rules in Federal Court: A Discussion of the Process, Substantive Changes and Their Applicability and Impact on Virginia Practice"

*         Craig Valli, Edith Cowan University, Australia - "SSH Honeypot Attack"

*         Doug White, Roger Williams University, Rhode Island, USA - "To License or Not to License Reexamined: An Updated Report on State Statutes Regarding Private Investigators and Digital Examiners"

*         Philip Craiger, Daytona State College - the ACE Consortium

Papers Accepted and Scheduled for Presentation

*         "Two Challenges of Stealthy Hypervisors Detection: Time Cheating and Data Fluctuations" - Igor Korkin

*         "A New Cyber Forensic Philosophy for Digital Watermarks in the Context of Copyright Laws" - Sneha Sudhakaran

*         "Measuring Hacking Ability Using a Conceptual Expertise Task" - Justin Giboney and Sanjay Goel

*         "Towards a Digital Forensics Competency-Based Program: Making Assessment Count" - Rose Shumba

*         "A Review of Recent Case Law Related to Digital Forensics: The Current Issues" - Kelly Cole

*         "An Empirical Comparison of Widely Adopted Hash Functions in Digital Forensics: Does the Programming Language and Operating System Make a Difference?" - Ibrahim Baggili

*         "Identifying Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders" - Nan Liang

*         "An Analytic Comparison between The Effectiveness of Anti-rootkits and Antivirus Tools in Removing Rootkits from Windows 7 Environments" - Mohamed Mostafa

*         "Investigating Forensics Values of Windows Jump Lists Data" - Ahmad Ghafarian

*         "A Survey of Software-based String Matching Algorithms for Forensic Analysis" - Yi-Ching Liao

*         "Case Study: 2014 Digital Forensics REU Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham" - Daniel Weiss

*         "Phishing Intelligence Using The Simple Set Comparison Tool" - Jason Britt

*         "HTML5 Zero Configuration Covert Channels: Security Risks and Challenges" - Mark Scanlon

*         "On the Network Performance of Digital Evidence Acquisition of Small Scale Devices over Public Networks" - Irvin Homem

*         "Continuous Monitoring System Based on Systems' Environment" - Eli Weintraub

Additional Information





Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Website: http://www.adfsl.org

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Website: http://www.jdfsl.org

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"Verum Vacuus Praeiudicio"

Glenn S. Dardick, Ph.D., CCE (ISFCE), CCFP (ISC2)
[cce-logo]   [ccfp]
gdardick at dardick.net<mailto:gdardick at dardick.net>
gdardick (Skype)

Association for Digital Forensics, Security and Law
[cid:image006.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0][cid:image007.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
Publisher of the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
gdardick at adfsl.org<mailto:gdardick at adfsl.org>

Associate Professor
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
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Consortium of Digital Forensics Specialists
[cid:image011.jpg at 01D066BB.51B888B0]
president at cdfs.org<mailto:president at cdfs.org>

Adjunct Associate Professor
ECU Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Australia
 [cid:image008.png at 01CF2F92.0333F0A0]
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners
Infragard, Richmond, Virginia
LexConverge, University of Malta
Fellow, African Center for Cyberlaw and Cybercrime Prevention (ACCP), Kampala Uganda

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