[AISWorld] CFP HICSS 2016 Symposium: Cognitive Foreshadowing: Next Steps in Applying Neuroscience and Cognitive Science to Information Systems Research

Randall Minas, Jr rminas at hawaii.edu
Fri May 8 19:30:00 EDT 2015


HICSS 2016 Symposium: Cognitive Foreshadowing: Next Steps in Applying
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NCS) to Information Systems Research:

January 5-8, 2016

Grand Hyatt, Kauai


*Half-day Symposium*

*Cognitive Foreshadowing: Next Steps in Applying Neuroscience and Cognitive
Science (NCS) to Information Systems Research*

*SWT Theme: Scientific Inquiry and Research Methods*

Recent research has found that individual cognition plays an integral role
in our interactions with technology, often playing a role in many
fundamental IS research areas. This research has found cognitive
implications in areas such as virtual team interactions, systems analysis
and design, use errors, and common IS constructs such as trust and
technology acceptance. A basic tenet of information systems is
understanding how individuals process information when interacting with
technology. A deeper understanding of how individuals use technology can
enable developers to create and manage effective information systems. While
the information systems field has used a plethora of methodologies to
understand how people interact with technology, few methodological tools
have been able to directly examine cognition directly. Recently, there has
been considerable effort to incorporate the tools of cognitive neuroscience
and cognitive science, including testing of cognitive processes (e.g.,
attention and memory), into the IS researcher’s methodological toolkit.
Some studies have been able to employ these methodologies to disentangle
apparent paradoxes that have existed in the field by elucidating how
individuals process information. In addition, neuroimaging methodologies
can also be augmented by other cognitive science research, including
observing user behavior and tracking patterns of errors. Both are
strengthened by studies of human vision, the neural system, and other
“deep” inspections of how humans process, transmit, and reach shared
understanding of information through the use of technology. The goal of
this symposium is to advance the use of these methodologies in IS by
bringing together researchers to share their work and insights. Acting as a
midwife for new fields in information systems has traditionally been
HICSS’s greatest strength.

This symposium will present several insightful papers on its subject area.
Afterward, participants will attempt to develop a broader integrative
depiction of the field.

The following list of possible topics for NCS papers is not meant to be

·         Exploring the potential for neuroimaging tools and cognitive
science in informing design of future technology.

·         Implications for errors and correct development in programming,
spreadsheet development, business intelligence, big data analysis, and
other information systems of considerable analytical complexity.

·         Gaining insights into virtual team processes such as idea
generation, negotiation, and decision making.

·         Leveraging the brain and technology to enhance individual and
team performance.

·         Theoretical implications of the differences between the
constructed reality our brain presents to us and the real world.

Although submissions in the tradition of authors such as Kahneman and
Tversky will be considered, more priority may be given to approaches from
NeuroIS and cognitive science that emphasize the role of individual and
team cognitive processes can play in IS use and design.

*SWT Leaders:*

*Randall Minas *(Primary Contact)

University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Email: rminas at hawaii.edu

*Raymond Panko*

University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Email: panko at hawaii.edu

*Adriane Randolph*

Kennesaw State University

Email: arandolph at kennesaw.edu

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