[AISWorld] Deadline this weekend: Best published paper award at AMCIS

Leroy, Gondy - (gondyleroy) gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu
Sat May 30 20:19:04 EDT 2015

------------------------------------------ Deadline this weekend ---------------------------------------

Dear Researchers,

Your SIG-Health will award a Best Published Paper Award at AMCIS 2015. There will be a Junior and a Senior award category when at least 5 submissions are received in each category.  For each category, there will be a Best Paper Award and Meritorious Mention.

To be eligible as a Junior Researcher, you need to have been a student at the time the paper was published. This has to be reflected in your affiliation. Everyone else will be considered to be a Senior Researcher. In addition, at the time of award you need to be an AIS SIG-Health Member (it's only $10) and present at AMCIS at the SIG Health annual business meeting to receive the award.

We will accept journal and conference papers in English that were published and in print in 2014. They need to contain original research. Papers that are editorial comments, notes, or research-in-progress are not eligible. Conference posters are not eligible (this year). The paper needs to have been peer-reviewed. Only one paper per first author will be accepted.

To submit a paper, create a single pdf file that contains a cover page with your contact information, the paper’s DOI or publication URL, an explanation of you status if not clear from the paper, and the published version of the paper. Do not submit proofs or drafts.
Submit here: http://www.aissighealth.com/wordpress/best-paper-award-2015/
Deadline: May 31, midnight.

We will do our very best to notify winners by June 15.

Sincerely and good luck!
Gondy Leroy
University of Arizona
President, AIS SIG Health

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