[AISWorld] Call for papers -HICSS 49: Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation Minitrack

Imed Boughzala imed.boughzala at telecom-em.eu
Sun Jun 7 15:29:11 EDT 2015

Dear all,

We invite you to submit papers for the “Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation” minitrack (Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track) at HICSS, January 5-8, 2016. The conference will be held on Kauai, Hawaii.

Go on: http://www.hicss.org/
Deadline for submission: June 15, 2015

Best regards,
Imed Boughzala and Helene Michel

Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation Minitrack:

Serious Games are often considered to be technological applications that use games to engage individuals in an experience through which a learning or professional training aim can be explored. Serious Games use computer-mediated environments to facilitate experiential learning by simulating a real life business environment, enabling participants to explore the complexities of a business problem, including the emotional challenges. A benefit is that the learner has the opportunity to explore the dynamics of a business experience without the real life business and career consequences that may flow from failure. This provides learners with a ‘safe’ environment in which to explore the casual links between action and outcomes that can assist in the process of converting conceptual learning into application. To address these challenges and opportunities, this minitrack invites theoretical and empirical research that investigates how individuals, teams and organizations use serious games, gaming and gamification to simulate processes, solve problems, make decisions, create, innovate, learn, and create value.

There are no preferred methodological stances for this minitrack: this minitrack is open to both qualitative and quantitative research, to research from a positivist, interpretivist, or critical perspective, to studies from the lab, from the field, or developmental in nature. 

Themes and topics of relevance to this minitrack include, but are not limited to (related topics not listed are especially welcome):
    -Serious Games, Serious Gaming, Gamification
    -Use of games in different managerial perspectives: HR, Recruitment, assessment, training, strategy, innovation, knowledge management
    -Case studies on the implementation of Serious Games in education and training settings that have generalizable experience for the community of educators, including insights into the integration of Serious Gaming into management education programs (e.g. on MBA, undergraduate, MSc programs)
    -Research on the efficacy of Serious Games in attaining their learning objectives
    -Characteristics and evolution of socio-cultural approach
    -Individual and organizational adoption
    -Performance evaluation 
    - New business models in the Serious Games business
    -Strategies for the development and implementation of Serious Games in education and training settings
Important dates:

-June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. The review is double-blind;
therefore this submission must be without author names.

-August 15: Acceptance notices are emailed to authors by the Review System.
At least one author of each accepted paper must immediately make plans to
attend the conference, including initiating fiscal, visa, or other travel

-September 15: Accepted authors submit Final Paper. Early Registration fee deadline. At least one author of each paper should register by Sept 15 in order secure publication in the Conference Proceedings.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Imed Boughzala (Primary Contact)
Professor, Department of Information Systems
Telecom Ecole de Management Institut Mines-Telecom, France
Tel: +33 1 60-76-45-74
Email: imed.boughzala at it-sudparis.eu

Hélène Michel
Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Tel: (33) 6 52 64 16 93
Email: helene.michel at grenoble-em.com

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