[AISWorld] Join a Great Research Community! HICSS49, KM Success, Value, and Performa...

MurphJen at aol.com MurphJen at aol.com
Tue Jun 9 14:40:11 EDT 2015

Last  Call for Papers
Knowledge  Management Value, Success and Performance Measurements  
This  minitrack investigates the current state of research in measuring KM, 
 organizational memory, and organizational learning success. Eventually,  
another purpose of this minitrack is to present research on how to value  
knowledge-based initiatives. 
Topics  of interest include but are not limited to: 
·          Frameworks  and models for assessing knowledge management and/or 
organizational memory  systems 
·          Methodologies  and processes for measuring knowledge management 
and/or organizational memory  success and performance 
·          Impact  of knowledge management strategy, organization, systems, 
culture, and other  issues on knowledge management/organizational memory  
·          Organizational  effectiveness/efficiency due to knowledge 
management/organizational  memory/organizational learning, knowledge and 
organizational memory  use 
·          Knowledge  management, organizational memory, and organizational 
learning  metrics 
·          Knowledge  management, organizational memory, and organizational 
learning success factors  and key performance indicators 
·          Benchmarking  of knowledge management/organizational memory  
·          Case  studies of knowledge management and organizational memory 
success and  performance measurements 
·          Measuring  knowledge management and/or organizational memory 
performance in global  organizations and globally dispersed communities 
·          Effectiveness  and/or efficiency of knowledge 
management/organizational memory  systems 
·          Modeling  and measuring the impact of social software on 
knowledge management  performance 
·          Defining  knowledge management and organizational memory success 
·          Rigorous  anecdotes and user stories and their theoretical basis 
to facilitate the value  of knowledge-based initiatives 
·          Developing  grounded theory approaches to valuing 
knowledge-based  initiatives 
·          Understanding  knowledge-based initiatives’ activities and 
output as service offerings and  exploring their productivity 
·          Usage,  adoption and success of knowledge management methods 
MiniTrack  Co-Chairs: 
Murray  E. Jennex 
San  Diego State University 
Tel:  (619) 985-6209 
Email:  _mjennex at mail.sdsu.edui_ (mailto:mjennex at mail.sdsu.edui)    or 
_murphjen at aol.com_ (mailto:murphjen at aol.com)  
Stefan  Smolnik 
University  of Hagen 
Tel:  +49 2331 987-2466 
Email:  Stefan.Smolnik at FernUni-Hagen.de 
David  Croasdell 
University  of Nevada, Reno 
Tel:  (775) 784-6902 
Email:  _davec at unr.edu_ (mailto:davec at unr.edu)  
Submission  deadline: 15th June 
How  to submit a paper: http://www.hicss.org/#!call-for-papers/c1cd9 

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