[AISWorld] MIS Quarterly Call for Papers: Complexity and Information Systems Research in the Emerging Digital World

Jan DeGross degro003 at umn.edu
Tue Jun 23 10:59:41 EDT 2015

MIS Quarterly Call for Papers:  Complexity and Information Systems 
Research in the Emerging Digital World

Editors:  Bill McKelvey, Hüseyin Tanriverdi, and Youngjin Yoo

Submission Deadline:  June 15, 2016

The purpose of this special issue is to foster the development of new IS 
theories on the causes, dynamics, and consequences of complexity in 
sociotechnical systems in the digital age.  Research on complexity has 
spanned a broad range of disciplines and led to the emergence of a 
complexity science that provides new concepts and frameworks for 
examining order creation in complex adaptive systems.  We encourage 
submissions that go beyond the application and replication of received 
principles of complexity science in the context of the digital world.  
We also invite submissions to learn from the unique characteristics of 
the emerging digital world to develop new IS theories and make new 
contributions to complexity science.

We welcome submissions from all forms of IS research, including 
organizational and behavioral IS, economics of IS, qualitative and 
critical studies of IS and design science.  The special issue is open to 
all types of papers: philosophical, theoretical, methodological, 
empirical, etc.  We welcome any IS research that generates new knowledge 
on causes, dynamics, and consequences of complex sociotechnical systems 
and enables individuals, organizations, and societies to better address 
the challenges and opportunities posed by complexity.

To view the full Call for Papers, please go to the MIS Quarterly website 
at http://www.misq.org

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