[AISWorld] Fwd: [AcademicForum] - Call For Papers for Papers and Reviewers -- Deadline: October 1

Monica Chiarini Tremblay tremblay at fiu.edu
Wed Jun 24 17:55:26 EDT 2015

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Call For Papers for Papers and Reviewers -- Deadline: October 1

JAMIA Call for Papers and Reviewers:

Special Focus Issue on Health Informatics Education

The health informatics profession continues to evolve and grow with the increased adoption of electronic health records, integrated medical devices, telemedicine, the emergence of precision medicine, the explosion of consumer-directed apps, and continued developments in genomics and other technologies.  This variety of technologies and the need for standards and frameworks necessary for interoperability, when combined with a rapidly changing clinical environment and reimbursement models, requires innovative approaches and skilled informaticians.  Additionally, the data generated along the way can prove helpful in testing existing models or theories for evidence-based clinical/administrative decision-making and research. Thus, the ability to analyze large amounts of structured and unstructured data also becomes a requirement for future informaticians.   One of the challenges facing the profession is how to educate current and future health informatics professionals, as well as how to train other health professionals to improve processes and health outcomes with the use of  technology.

The purpose of this special focus issue is to highlight the most innovative approaches, techniques, and evaluation studies related to health informatics education for informaticians and health professionals, domestically or around the world. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts for consideration as Research and Applications articles, Reviews, Brief Communications, or Case Reports. Emphasis will be given to manuscripts that include rigorous evaluations, and for manuscripts that quantify the capabilities of the proposed techniques and their impact on effective health informatics education. Authors should include details regarding the educational aspects of their research, including the technologies, assessment and pedagogical frameworks that were utilized in the work.

Important Dates:

October 1, 2015: Manuscript submission deadline

December 1, 2015 (expected): Initial decisions sent to authors

January 2, 2016 (expected) Revised manuscript submission deadline

March 1, 2016 (expected) Final decisions sent to authors

Topics of Interest and Scope:

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

*       Detailed, generalizable case studies and original applications of novel technologies, rubrics, program design, curriculum, or other pedagogical tools that had a measurable impact on health informatics education for informaticians and health professionals.

*       Rigorous evaluation of program and student performance, i.e., via accreditation standards or other guidance.

*       Highly innovative frameworks for the implementation or evaluation of educational programs.

If you are not going to submit an article, please assist us with the success of this special issue by volunteering as a reviewer.  If interested please send an email with the subject line of "JAMIA Special Issue Reviewer" to Susan Fenton at susan.h.fenton at uth.tmc.edu<mailto:susan.h.fenton at uth.tmc.edu> not later than August 1, 2015.


Susan Fenton

Monica Chiarini Tremblay

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