[AISWorld] Call for Submissions: 2015 SIGOPEN Pre-ICIS Workshop

Matt Levy matthew.levy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 18:17:59 EDT 2015

Call for Submissions
2015 SIGOPEN Pre-ICIS Workshop

2015 SIGOPEN Pre-ICIS Workshop
13 December 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Deadline for paper submissions: 30 September 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection decisions: 20 October 2015
Workshop Fee: $50 (Includes two coffee breaks and boxed lunch)

AIS SIGOPEN invites those working on research on the following broad topics
to submit their extended abstracts to the 2015 SIGOPEN Pre-ICIS Workshop:

- The Peer Production of Knowledge Goods (e.g. open source software,
hardware, content and design; the collaborative economy and the sharing
society; etc.),
- Collective Intelligence, Action and Resources (e.g. open innovation; the
wisdom/wealth/power of crowds; social media in extreme events; citizen
science; volunteer computing; crowdsourcing/funding; etc.),
- Open Science and Education (e.g. open data/access; publishing and data
management conflicts; open teaching and learning; micro-scholarship; open
peer-review; etc.)

The workshop will include both formal quick (<10) minute presentations and
small group work mentored by internationally respected researchers. We
invite you to present your research-in-progress and/or ideas for paper
development. The SIGOPEN workshop is amenable to new ideas, and is open to
all interested scholars and professionals who are researching in the area
of openness as broadly conceived above. The unique and collegial character
of the workshop will help ensure constructive, helpful, and high-quality
feedback. This is a great opportunity for you to mature your ideas, meet
other researchers in related areas, and learn about emerging research in a
relaxed and supportive setting.

The workshop will be held prior to ICIS 2015 on Saturday, 13 December 2015
in Fort Worth, Texas. Papers will be presented, and then workshopped in
small group discussions in a round-table format. Small groups will be
formed around the themes of submissions. Participants will be expected to
read and comment on other papers in their group. The goal is to help move
the work forward to publication in other venues.

We invite those interested in sharing and discussing their
research-in-progress and/or ideas for paper development in the form of an
extended abstract of four (4) to seven (7) single-spaced pages using the
ICIS 2015 submission template. All text, figures, tables, and appendices
must be included within the page limit. The cover page, abstract, keywords,
and references are excluded from this page count. Submissions can be made
via the EasyChair online submission system:

The deadline for submission is 30 September 2015. Authors will be notified
of acceptance/rejection decisions by 20 October 2015. As a paper
development workshop there will not be printed proceedings; however the
accepted extended abstracts will be made available on the workshop page at
sigopen.org under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license (

Further information will be posted to the workshop page at sigopen.org,
registration details will be provided on the ICIS 2015 conference website.

Any questions regarding the workshop can be emailed to Matthew Levy:
mattlevy at sfsu.edu or one of the other members of the workshop committee
(Joseph Feller: jfeller at afis.ucc.ie, Matt Germonprez:
mgermonprez at unomaha.edu, or Lorraine Morgan lorraine.morgan at nuigalway.ie).

We look forward to welcoming you in Fort Worth!

Matt Levy - San Francisco State University
Joseph Feller  - University College Cork
Matt Germonprez - University of Nebraska-Omaha
Lorraine Morgan - LERO, NUI Galway

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