[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS)

Jae-Nam Lee isjnlee at korea.ac.kr
Thu Aug 13 21:08:20 EDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,


The Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS: www.apjis.or.kr), a
peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for its upcoming issues
as well as special issues.


--- What APJIS is:

The Korea Society of Management Information Systems (KMIS) has been
publishing the APJIS (ISSN: 2288-5404; e-ISSN: 2288-6818) since the year
1990 and has successfully made it a flagship journal in the information
systems field in Korea.


--- Gain Global Exposure with Open Access Publishing:

. Open Access: Our journal is accessible online for free and has a larger

. Full Peer Review: All manuscripts submitted to our journal undergo peer
and double-blind review.


--- Why publish in APJIS:

. No Submission and Publication Fees: No fee for all papers submitted to

. Fast Review Cycle: The first review round will be completed within around
one month.

. International Editorial Board: Well-known scholars of 37 editorial board
and 10 advisory board members


--- Special Issues Currently Going On:

2016. Vol.26, Issue 2 (June): IS Research from the Behavioral Economics

2016. Vol.26, Issue 3 (September): New Perspectives on Development, Adoption
and Application


--- Submission: 

Please submit your papers to APJIS through its online review system at



If you have any questions, please free to email me at isjnlee at korea.ac.kr at
any time.



Best regards,


Editor-in-Chief of APJIS

Jae-Nam Lee 

Korea University Business School


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