[AISWorld] Abstract Announcement for International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC) 6(2)

cartan cartan at unicas.it
Wed Sep 9 12:30:39 EDT 2015

Here follows the Abstract Announcement for International Journal of 
Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC) vol. 6, issue 2.
Data: 09.09.2015

The contents of the latest issue of:
Volume 6, Issue 2, April - June 2015
Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN: 1947-3494; EISSN: 1947-3508;
Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
www.igi-global.com/ijdldc [1]

Editor(s)-in-Chief: Antonio Cartelli (University of Cassino and Southern
Lazio, Italy)

_Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts
submitted to the International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital
Competence (IJDLDC). All manuscripts are accepted based on a
double-blind peer review editorial process._


An Analysis of Teachers' Processes of Technology Appropriation in

Stéphanie Boéchat-Heer (University of Teacher Education (HEP-BEJUNE),
Bienne, Switzerland), Maria Antonietta Impedovo (University of
Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France), Francesco Arcidiacono (University of
Teacher Education (HEP-BEJUNE), Bienne, Switzerland)

This paper aims to investigate the "sense" of appropriation of the iPad
use by teachers in a professional secondary school. As iPads are
increasingly employed in the teaching process in classroom the authors
intend to understand how the process of teachers' appropriation of iPad
use is perceived as a learning tool. Through the analysis of focus
groups with teachers, they intend to detect changes in the sense of
appropriation of the iPad in classroom during a school year. The
findings of their study allow to identify facilitating and hindering
elements that support the process of teachers' appropriation of iPads
and open further spaces to investigate the role of new technologies in
teaching/learning contexts.


Physics Students' Social Media Learning Behaviours and Connectedness

Rachel F. Moll (Faculty of Education, Vancouver Island University,
Nanaimo, Canada), Wendy Nielsen (School of Education, University of
Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia), Cedric Linder (Department of Physics
and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)

Drawing on a complexity thinking perspective on learning, the conditions
of emergence for complex systems were used as an analytic framework to
characterize social media learning behaviours for their potential to
promote connectedness. The authors' analysis identifies trends in
secondary and tertiary physics students' social media use from focus
group interview data and characterizes the nature of these behaviours
for their potential to benefit students' understanding of the content of
science curricula. While the authors' study focuses on physics learning,
they propose implications that extend to other science learning contexts
vis-a-vis how to transform connectivity learning behaviours into
connectedness learning behaviours.


The Information Gap amongst the Generations and the Implications for

Angelina I. T. Kiser (University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX,
USA), Ronald Washington (University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio,

The ubiquitous nature of technology today fosters the perception that
its use as a means of information sharing and gathering occurs equally
across resources. There is however a digital divide which commonly
refers to the socio-economic, ethnic, educational, and cultural
inequality of access and use of digital technologies in society today.
Less clear in the literature is as Digital natives and Immigrants age
and enter the workforce, how their age will affect their use of
technology as a social and information gathering resource (Herring,
2008). Will advances in mobile technologies and age extend the digital
divide or will they continue to be technology zealous? Based on data
analyzed from wave 6 of the World Values Survey (WVS) a significant
difference exists between the generations in the use of different
information sources used for information gathering and sharing as they


An Enactivist Approach to Web-based Learning: Live Campus as a Proposal
for a Learning Environment

Giuseppe De Simone (University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy), Diana
Carmela Di Gennaro (Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational
Sciences, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy), Riccardo Fragnito
(Pegaso Telematics University, Naples, Italy)

In the Web-based learning era, the possibility to use the online network
for learning activities, studies and research has brought about a
revolution in the educational processes and the emergence of a new
culture characterized by the idea that knowledge is not closed and
defined, but open and accessible to all. Within a perspective in which
knowledge is generated by the interaction of the individual with the
environment, the socio-constructivist approach paved the way to new
theoretical frameworks that, starting from the social dimension of
learning, acknowledge and embrace the biological aspects of learning
processes, thus offering interesting reflections on the web-learning
phenomenon. Stemming from these assumptions, LiveCampus was created; a
social learning environment aimed at fostering a synergistic integration
between the dimensions of formal and informal knowledge.


For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
(IJDLDC) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in
the IGI Global aggregated "INFOSCI-JOURNALS" database:



Mission of IJDLDC:

COMPETENCE (IJDLDC) is to provide a platform for experts, scholars,
stakeholders, and other professionals involved in the use of information
communication technologies in education and society to share theories,
studies, experiences, projects, instruments, and applications. The
journal covers ideas concerning digital literacy and digital competence
that will penetrate the whole society and create shared and commonly
accepted educational paradigms to be used in academics by means of a
practice-theory-practice paradigmatic approach to education. The journal
publishes innovative findings from leading experts, including engineers,
researchers, scientists, educators, and practitioners in the creation of
hardware-software instruments in everyday education, training, and
school work, but it also focuses on the methods and processes for the
integration of digital technological equipments in the same contexts.

Indices of IJDLDC:

  	* ACM Digital Library
	* Bacon's Media Directory
	* Cabell's Directories
	* Google Scholar
	* JournalTOCs
	* Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
	* Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
	* MediaFinder
	* PsycINFO®
	* The Standard Periodical Directory
	* Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

Coverage of IJDLDC:

Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to)
the following:

Definitions/features for digital literacy and digital competence
Digital competence assessment
Digital divide and digital literacy
Digital literacy and digital competence interaction with:

  	* Communities of practice
	* Computer science education
	* Construction of learning environments
	* Information systems
	* Knowledge management
	* Learning organizations
	* New teaching paradigms
	* Psycho-pedagogical paradigms
	* School curricula
	* Social Networking
	* Social-technical approach to MIS use
	* Teacher profession/updating
	* Ubiquitous computing
	* Virtual learning environments
	* Web technologies

Digital literacy, digital competence, and diversely able people
Digital literacy, digital competence, and knowledge society with a
special attention to:

  	* E-citizenship
	* E-government
	* Lifelong learning
	* Multicultural society
	* Net generation
	* Personal knowledge management
	* Personal learning environments

Digital literacy in developing countries
Digital literacy in the large, as a need for corporate and organizations
in their knowledge management strategies
Frameworks for digital literacy and digital competence analysis
National and international initiatives for digital literacy
National and international policies for digital literacy

Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission

IRMA Code of Ethical Research

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