[AISWorld] Information Systems Journal Special Issue on Social Inclusion

Eileen Trauth etrauth at ist.psu.edu
Tue Sep 22 13:30:12 EDT 2015

Call for Papers
Information Systems Journal Special Issue on

Social Inclusion in the Information Systems Field

Special Issue Editors

Eileen M. Trauth (The Pennsylvania State University) - etrauth at ist.psu.edu
K.D. Joshi (Washington State University) - joshi at wsu.edu
Lynette (Kvasny) Yarger (The Pennsylvania State University) - lyarger at ist.psu.edu

Call: We welcome positivist, interpretive and critical empirical research that seeks greater understanding and theorizing about social inclusion in the information systems field.

Submission Deadline: September 1, 2016


Social inclusion research seeks to develop a greater understanding about aspects of human diversity in relation to the development, deployment, management, use and impact of information systems and technologies. Relevant aspects of human diversity include: age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, nationality, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. This special issue welcomes research that employs a variety of epistemologies and methodologies, and that theorizes the issues with new, indigenous or imported theories.

Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is issuing this call for a special issue in order to highlight rigorous IS research and theorizing about social inclusion in the information systems field (Trauth, 2013). The goal of this special issue is to encourage high quality research papers that will contribute to a better understanding of the causes, manifestations and impacts of social inclusion, and subsequent interventions. It is expected that authors will be familiar with the extant body of literature on social inclusion in the IS field (See, for example, the special issues noted in the References.)

Topics that might be addressed in the special issue include but are not limited to:

*         Empirical studies of underrepresented groups in the IS profession

*         Intersectionality and underrepresented  groups - as users or as IS professionals

*         Critical studies of causes and effects of exclusion on organizations and society

*         Manifestations of exclusion in the IS profession and in information systems use

*         Theoretically-informed interventions to increase inclusion in the IS profession

*         Positivist, interpretive and critical studies of the "haves" and "have nots" in the information society

*         Influence of human diversity on the design, development and deployment of information systems

*         Impact of non-inclusive conceptualization of users on information systems development, deployment, management and use

Deadlines and Submission Instructions

Submissions to the special issue are due no later than September 1, 2016. All submissions must adhere to the formatting guidelines<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291365-2575/homepage/ForAuthors.html> for Information Systems Journal. Submissions for the full papers must be made to the ISJ's Manuscript Central Account: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/isj, where you should select the Special Issue as the submission type.

All manuscripts will be prescreened by the Special Issue Editors and only papers that have a reasonable chance of acceptance after two rounds of revision will enter the review process. Manuscripts that do not pass this hurdle will not be further considered for the special issue but authors may consider revising papers for submission to ISJ through the normal submission process.

Important dates for the Special Issue on Social Inclusion are:

*         Submissions open: July 1, 2016

*         Submission deadline: September 1, 2016

*         First round decisions: December 1, 2016

*         Revised manuscripts due: March 1, 2017

*         Second round decisions: June 1, 2017

*         Final decisions: September 1, 2017

Early submissions are welcome and will be put into the review process as they arrive.

Note: Interested authors are encouraged to participate in the post-ICIS research workshop sponsored by SIG Social Inclusion as a venue to obtain feedback. It will be held on December 16, 2015.


Adam, A., Howcroft, D. & Richardson, H. (2002). Information Technology & People, Special Issue on Gender and Information Systems 15, 2.
Kvasny, L and Richardson, H. (2006). Information Technology and People, Special Issue on Critical Information Systems Research, 19, 3.
Richardson, H., Tapia, A. and Kvasny, L. (2006). Social Science Computer Review, Special Issue on Critical Research, 24, 3.

Trauth, E.M. (Ed.) (2006). Encyclopedia of Gender and IT.  Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Trauth, E.M. (Ed.) (2003). Freedom in Philadelphia: Leveraging Differences and Diversity in the IT Workforce. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference. New York: ACM Press.
Trauth, E.M. (2013). The role of theory in gender and information systems research. Information & Organization 23, 4, 277-293.

Trauth, E.M., Howcroft, D., Butler, T., Fitzgerald, B. & DeGross, J. (Eds.) (2006). Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Systems. New York: Springer.

Trauth, E.M. and Niederman, F. (Eds.) (2006). The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Special Issue on Achieving Diversity in the IT Workforce 37, 4.
Urquhart, C. and Underhill-Sem, Y. (2009). Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society Special Issue on ICTs and Social Inclusion 7, 2/3.

Von Hellens, L., Trauth, E.M. & Fisher, J. (Eds.) (2012). Information Systems Journal, Special Issue - Increasing the Representation of Women in the Information Technology Professions:Research on Interventions 22, 5.

Eileen M. Trauth, PhD
Professor of Information Sciences & Technology
     Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies
     International Affairs
     Labor Studies & Employment Relations
     Management & Organization
College of Information Sciences & Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
+1 814-865-6457
etrauth at ist.psu.edu<mailto:etrauth at ist.psu.edu>

Editor in Chief: Information Systems Journal
Playwright: iDream (www.idreamtheplay.com<http://www.idreamtheplay.com/>)

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