[AISWorld] Digital Transformations at EGOS

Huysman, M.H. m.h.huysman at vu.nl
Thu Oct 22 03:35:16 EDT 2015

Dear all,
Here is a call for papers for a sub-theme on ‘Digital Transformations: Technology, Organization and Governance in the Algorithmic Age' at the European Group of Organisation Studies (EGOS) conference in Naples, Italy in July 2016 that we are organizing. It may be of interest to some of you: http://www.egosnet.org/jart/prj3/egos/main.jart?rel=de&reserve-mode=active&content-id=1434639284029&subtheme_id=1407070330863
Best regards,
Marleen Huysman

Professor of Knowledge & Organizations
Head of department Information, Logistics and Innovation (ILI)
and the Knowledge, Information & Innovation (KIN) Research Group

Address: VU Main building (5th floor) De Boelelaan 1091, 1081 HV Amsterdam

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