[AISWorld] Extended deadline: Nov 30th: Workshop BPM - Emerging Trends and Challenges @WorldCIST'16

Rui Dinis Sousa rds at dsi.uminho.pt
Sat Nov 21 05:11:29 EST 2015


Emerging Trends and Challenges in Business Process Management (ETCBPM)

WorldCIST 2016, March 22-24, Recife, Brazil,

Accepted papers will be published in Springer's Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing Series

Important Dates

Submission: Nov 30th, 2015 

Notification: Dec 20th, 2015 

Registration: Dec 27th, 2015 

Camera-Ready: Dec 31th, 2015


Business Process Management (BPM), as a field of both research and practice,

has been maturing and increasing its span. However, more than improvement,

we need to foster true innovation in business processes that should be

increasingly adaptive, flexible and generative rather than structured,

formalized and stable. That will require BPM to take  advantage of recent

breakthroughs in business intelligence, knowledge management, big data,

cloud computing, social computing, internet of things or complex event

processing to name a few. Information Systems research can significantly

contribute to the future of BPM addressing both technical and organizational


This workshop explicitly encourages papers that report on novel applications

of concepts, theories and technologies that are of interest to IS scholars

reflecting emerging trends and challenges in business process management

research and practice.

We seek contributions in topics including but not limited to:

·         Adaptive Case Management

·         BPM and BI

·         BPM and Cloud Computing

·         BPM and Crowdsourcing

·         Collective Adaptive Processes

·         Complex Event Processing

·         Human-centric Processes and Knowledge-intensive Processes

·         Mobile Processes

·         Process Data Warehousing

·         Process Mining

·         Process Simulation

·         Processes in the Internet of Things and Wearable Devices

·         Social BPM

·         User-centric Aspects of BPM

Organizing Committee

       Rui Dinis Sousa, University of Minho, Portugal,
<mailto:rds at dsi.minho.pt> rds at dsi.minho.pt

      José Luis Pereira, University of Minho, Portugal,
<mailto:jlmp at dsi.uminho.pt> jlmp at dsi.uminho.pt

      Pascal Ravesteijn, HU University, Netherlands, pascal.ravesteijn at hu.nl

Program Committee

  Ana Almeida, School of Engineering - Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

  Armin Stein, University of Muenster, Germany

  Barry Derksen, NOVI University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

  Daniel Chen, Texas Christian University, USA

  Daniel Pacheco Lacerda, UNISINOS University, Brazil

  Edward van Dipten, NOVI University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

  Elsa Cardoso, ISCTE Business School, Portugal

  Fernando Belfo, ISCAC Coimbra Business School, Portugal

  João Varajão, University of Minho, Portugal

  Jorge Oliveira Sá, University of Minho, Portugal

  José Camacho, NOVA Information Management School, Portugal

  Luis Miguel Ferreira, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  Marie-Claude (Maric) Boudreau, University of Georgia, USA

  Manoel Veras, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

  Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

  Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia

  Pedro Malta, Lusófona University, Portugal

  Rafael Paim, Federal Center for Technical Education (Cefet-RJ), Brazil

  Ramiro Gonçalves, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal

  Raffaele Conforti, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

  Renato Flórido Cameira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  Sílvia Inês Dallavalle de Pádua, University of São Paulo, Brazil

  Thilini Ariyachandra, Xavier University, USA

  Timothy Olsen, Gonzaga University, USA

  Vinícius Carvalho Cardoso, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  Vitor Santos, NOVA Information Management School, Portugal  

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