[AISWorld] Special Issue on "Transformation of the academic publishing market"

Diego Ponte diego.ponte at unitn.it
Thu Nov 26 08:09:04 EST 2015

Dear all,
I would like to draw your attention to a Call for Papers  on
"Transformation of the academic publishing market". The call focuses on
contributions that deal with new players,  new services or modes of
academic publishing. In light of the current developments, we are inviting
submission for a special issue to take stock of the transformation,
identify and articulate distinctive patterns of change in this market, but
also foresight studies or thought pieces. The special issue will provide a
link across different levels of analysis: industry and infrastructure; firm
and network strategy as well as authors, readers and changing practices of
content production and consumption.

Please read the complete Call for Papers
for more information. I am looking forward to your submissions.

The International guest editor team, consisting of Diego Ponte (Trento
University, Italy), Bozena Mierzejewska (Fordham University, USA) and
Stefan Klein (University of Muenster, Germany), is looking forward to many
submissions until February 29, 2016.
Important dates

*Submission Deadline:* February 29, 2016

Diego Ponte, PhD, Assistant Professor in Organization Theory

Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, Via Inama, 5
– 38122 Trento (Italy)

diego.ponte at unitn.it
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