[AISWorld] Cybersecurity and Privacy, Call for Papers -- IEEE IT Professional; Submission deadline: 1 February 2016

San Murugesan san at computer.org
Wed Jan 6 18:27:44 EST 2016


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Cybersecurity and Privacy

Submission deadline: 1 February 2016
Publication: September/October 2016

This special issue of IT Professional seeks to provide readers with an
overview of current issues and advances in cybersecurity and privacy. We
seek high-quality contributions from industry, government, business, and
academia that present recent developments in IT security, showcase
successfully deployed security and privacy-preserving solutions, or discuss
challenges to the privacy of individuals. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to, the following:

*	Authentication and access control
*	Privacy-preserving Data Analysis
*	"Bring your own device" security
*	Cybersecurity and privacy challenges
*	Security and privacy in cloud and distributed systems
*	Computer forensics
*	Sensors and surveillance
*	Privacy issues in data mining and data analytics
*	Malware analysis and intrusion detection
*	Trusting cyber-physical and the IoT technologies
*	Big data security and privacy
*	Mobile security and privacy
*	Cryptography and key algorithms
*	Network security
*	The legalities and ethics associated with security and privacy
*	The protection of personal information
*	Threat modeling and vulnerability analysis
*	Usability issues in security
*	Wearable device security
*	Privacy in pervasive sensing and social media
*	The security of online transactions


Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words (with tables and
figures each counting as 300 words) and have no more than 20 references.
Illustrations are welcome. For author guidelines, including sample articles,
see http://www.computer.org/web/peer-review/magazines.

Submit your article at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itpro-cs.


For more information, please contact the guest editors:

*	Irena Bojanova, NIST, irena.bojanova at computer.org
*	Morris Chang, Iowa State University, morris at iastate.edu
*	Jeffrey Voas, NIST, j.voas at ieee.org
*	Linda Wilbanks, CISO at Federal Government, Linda.Wilbanks at ed.gov


Professor San Murugesan 

Director, BRITE Professional Services

Editor-in-Chief, IEEE  <http://www.computer.org/itpro> IT Professional

Editor, IEEE  <http://www.computer.org/computer> Computer and Cloud Cover

Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University

Sydney, Australia


Website:  <http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> http://tinyurl.com/sanbio

Email:  <mailto:san1 at internode.net> san1 at internode.net

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