[AISWorld] REFSQ 2016: Final Joint Call for Workshop Papers

Andreas L. Opdahl Andreas.Opdahl at uib.no
Sun Jan 10 10:06:54 EST 2016

FINAL JOINT CALL for Workshop Papers: REFSQ 16 - Intl. Working 
Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundations for Software Quality


The REFSQ conference invites for submissions of workshop papers for its 
six workshops about different aspects of requirements engineering. The 
workshops will take place on March 14, 2016 in Gothenburg / Sweden.

** Important dates:
Workshop paper submission: January 15, 2016
Workshop paper notification: February 5, 2016
CRC of the workshop papers: February 26, 2016
Workshops: March 14, 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden

** CRE: 2nd Workshop on Continuous Requirements Engineering **
When changes are frequent and high flexibility is required, in large 
systems the engineering processes grow into continuous engineering. 
Continuous engineering naturally requires continuous requirements 
engineering that can combine rigid engineering principles with agility, 
emergence, and spontaneity to support sustainability and viability of 
the systems.

** CreaRE: Sixth International Workshop on Creativity in Requirements 
Engineering **
CREARE 2016 is an interdisciplinary venue that brings together 
practitioners and researchers interested in discussing the role of 
creativity in RE, the array of creativity techniques that can be applied 
to RE, and the specific ways in which these techniques add value. We 
envision the CREARE participants to include both RE experts and experts 
from a variety of other fields, e.g. psychology, creative writing, 
design thinking. The workshop will serve as a forum for the exchange of 
both experience and research results. It also aims at raising awareness 
in the RE community for the importance of creativity and creativity 
techniques and awareness for RE in the creativity community.

** RE4P2: Third International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for 
the Precontract Phase **
Before a software project starts, there is a phase that has not received 
much consideration in requirements engineering literature yet: the 
precontract or bidding phase during which a rough concept of the 
software to be implemented has to be established in the form of a bid or 

** RePriCo: 7th Workshop on Requirements Prioritization and Communication **
In times of shorter development cycles and limited budgets the 
prioritization of requirements is recognized more and more as a very 
important task within the requirements engineering process. Basically 
poor communication is responsible for the gaps between the real needs of 
the customers, the perception of these needs by the Requirements 
Engineer and the transformation of these perceptions into detailed 
requirement specifications. Thus, prioritization and communication are 
strongly intertwined activities lying in the center of any requirements 
engineering process.

** RESACS: Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for 
Self-Adaptive and Cyber Physical Systems (RESACS) **
Self-adaptive systems (SAS) and cyber physical systems (CPS) represent 
novel categories of software-intensive systems insofar that they possess 
significantly different properties than traditional information systems 
or embedded systems. For example, their highly connected and 
context-aware nature gives rise to changes in their runtime behaviour, 
stressing the need for runtime adaptation and reorganization, which must 
be considered during the requirements phase.

** RET: 3rd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and 
Testing **
The coordination of Requirements Engineering and Testing affects the 
efficiency and the effectiveness of the entire software development 
cycle and its lead time, making this an important topic from a business 
perspective. While much work has been done in the respective fields of 
Requirements Engineering (RE) and Testing, there exists much more that 
can be done to increase the connection between the RE and the Testing 

For more information about the submission procedures, please consult the 
workshop websites!

** Workshop Co-Chairs
Andrea Herrmann, Herrmann & Ehrlich, Germany
Andreas L Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway

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