[AISWorld] CFP - AMCIS - Innovations in Electronic Medical Records and Personal Health Records

Leroy, Gondy - (gondyleroy) gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu
Mon Jan 11 12:43:03 EST 2016

If  you work with text in the healthcare field, this track is for you!

Please submit your research or research in progress.

Track Information:

Mini-Track 2: Innovations in Electronic Medical Records and Personal Health Records
Goody Leroy, University of Arizona, gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu<mailto:gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu?Subject=AMCIS%202016>
Surendra Sarnikar, Dakota State University, surendra.sarnikar at dsu.edu<mailto:surendra.sarnikar at dsu.edu?Subject=AMCIS%202016>

The importance of Health Information Technology continues to grow as health care organizations make significant investments in health information technology such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), Health Information exchanges (HIE), Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE), ePrescribing and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) among others. Most if not all of these systems rely on the 'formal' clinical records as entered by clinicians. However, in addition to these formal health records, many companies and creators of appliances, software and gadgets provide complementary and alternative record keeping systems, such as personal health records or health and fitness trackers which are increasingly used by patients and consumers. This mini-track focusses on EHR (in its many formal and informal formats) Innovations and Health IT tools and approaches for leveraging the information and infrastructure of the health records to solve complex healthcare problems. We welcome algorithm and system development work and empirical research in this area.

Deadline for submission: March 2, 2016


Submission Instructions:


Track list:


Gondy Leroy, PhD
Associate Professor
President AIS SIG-Health
Management Information Systems
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona

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