[AISWorld] AMCIS 2016 call for papers: Minitrack on Individual-Level Replication Research

Traci Carte tcarte at kennesaw.edu
Tue Jan 19 10:56:46 EST 2016

This mini-track will focus on replications of prior individual-level
research studies. Articles can either support the findings of the original
article or provide results that do not support the original article (e.g.,
nonsignificant). Both results add to our understanding of IS phenomenon.
However, only papers focused at the individual level (both theoretically
and operationally) should be submitted to this track (other tracks exist
for other levels). For work that takes a multi-level approach, authors
should use their judgement on which mini-track is best.

Certainly there are a number of individual-level studies in IS that have
formed the basis of deep and broad streams of research. Notable examples
include the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989), Task-Technology Fit
(Goodhue, 1995), and online trust (McKnight et al., 2002).  While most of
these have been extended and replicated in part or wholly, there are
certainly other studies that have impacted the trajectory of
individual-level research streams that have never been rigorously
retested. Authors submitting to this track are invited to do just that!
Replications of any form (i.e., exact replications, methodological
replications, or conceptual replications - see track description) are

Potential research areas that offer strong replication opportunities
include, but are not limited to:

*         IT adoption and use by individuals using theories such as TAM,
TTF, AST, etc.

*         Individual trust in technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps,

*         Post adoptive use (e.g., exploration, exploitation, infusion,

*         Computer self-efficacy 

*         Online purchase behaviour

*         Individual task performance with a wide variety of IT (e.g.,
information search, information security and compliance behaviours, etc.)

*         User attitudes and evaluations of IT (e.g., satisfaction,

*         Individual consequences of participation in online communities
and with social media


Replications are a different form of scholarship than traditional research
articles. A replication paper should very briefly introduce the research
area, present the results of the study being replicated, detail the
methods and results of the replication, and discuss the implications of
the replication; no theoretical development is needed because this has
been presented in depth in the original article. The focus is on the
results and a discussion of how they match or differ from the original

Selected papers will be fast-tracked for publication in AIS Transactions
on Replication Research.

Important Dates:

January 4, 2016: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2016 begin 

March 2, 2016: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at 10:00am


ontrib> F. D. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user
acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly. (1989) 13:319-339

=Contrib> D. L. Understanding the linkage between user evaluations of
systems and the underlying systems. Management Science. (1995)

McKnight, D. Harrison, Vivek Choudhury, and Charles Kacmar. "The impact of
initial consumer trust on intentions to transact with a web site: A trust
building model." The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 11.3 (2002):


Mini-track Co-Chairs 

Traci Carte, Associate Professor, Kennesaw State University,
tcarte at kennesaw.edu

Taylor Wells, Assistant Professor, California State University,
Sacramento, taylor.wells at csus.edu


  Dr. Traci Carte
  Associate Professor of IS and Department Chair
  Coles College of Business
  Kennesaw State University

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