[AISWorld] Final CFP - AMCIS 2016 Minitrack: Text Analytics in Business and Societies

Mazen El - Masri mazen.elmasri at qu.edu.qa
Sun Feb 28 06:09:39 EST 2016

Final call for papers:

22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'16) August 11-13, 2016 San Diego

Track:                    Decision Support and Analytics (SIGDSA)
Mini-track:          Text Analytics in Business and Societies

The rapid rise of social media technologies such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikis, Blogs, and so on is producing colossal text corpora. Businesses, governments, and other non-business entities are exploiting these corpora to develop and improve decisions making as well as evaluate their impacts on organizations and societies. While the main focus remains on mining structured data, the growth of text corpora available online provides new avenues in various domains such as marketing, finance, economics, and politics. Researchers in the information systems, computer science, statistics, and linguistics disciplines are collaborating to define and assess new interdisciplinary theories and techniques related to text corpora.

To this end, the IS community is best fitted to lead this interdisciplinary research as it touches on information, data, design, and computer sciences which are relevant to the IS field. IS research can play a key role by exploring the opportunities and challenges that text corpora present in today's enterprises and societies. We welcome empirical, theoretical, conceptual, and methodological research related to big textual data analytics.

Topics relevant for this mini-track include, but are not limited to:
- Knowledge discovery, extraction, and retrieval in unstructured text
- Text processing and classification
- Security and Privacy in social media text mining
- Challenges and Opportunities in social media corpora
- Text Analytics of real-time social media content
- Text analytics approaches in wikis, blogs and recommendation agents
- Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
- Information representation and visualization
- Predictive text analytics
- Pattern learning from text mining
- Theme and Concept extraction
- Emoticon, symbols, and text portrayals meanings
- Information retrieval from different languages and dialects
- Computational techniques
- Mining crowd-generated textual data
- Advances in Text Analytics

Full paper submissions must be made electronically through AMCIS 2016 Manuscript Submission Site https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2016.  Papers will be peer reviewed using a double-blind system.

-              January 4, 2016: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin
-              March 2, 2016: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors (10:00am PST)
-              May 1, 2016: Final decisions on AMCIS 2015 program are made
The submission website is http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2016.
More information about the conference can be found at (http://amcis2016.aisnet.org/).


Mazen El-Masri
Qatar University
mazen.elmasri at qu.edu.qa<mailto:mazen.elmasri at qu.edu.qa>

Karim Al-Yafi,
Qatar University,
karim.alyafi at qu.edu.qa<mailto:karim.alyafi at qu.edu.qa>

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