[AISWorld] Why top IS journals ignore research in one of the most valuable assets: Data Centers?

mmora at securenym.net mmora at securenym.net
Fri Mar 4 12:40:47 EST 2016

Dear AIS colleagues:

Well, it is well known that IS/IT area is a mix of managerial and
engineering disciplines. However, it is sad that most top IS journals
(MISQ, MISQ Executive, ISR, JMIS) ignore totally one of the main
constructs of our discipline:  data centers.  A search for research papers
on this construct and real entity (where all ICT operations run daily in
the largest worldwide organizations) in these top journals reports a
scarcity of them.

Are we really researchers in IT (technology side)?  I believe AIS must
re-design it and make a real self-valuation on it. IT needs technical and
engineering oriented people and top journals and their followers only
value managerial soft issues.

I have not renewed my subscription to AIS for it, but most important is an
inquiry: are we really preparing IT technical people correctly?

I am afraid that AIS is not helping too much. Our behavioral colleagues
are welcome but AIS should be controlled by Engineering ICT people !

Well, this is a discussion list, so my 5 cents contribution !
Manuel Mora

PS Interested in engineering topics on Data Centers please consider:


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