[AISWorld] CfP: HICSS2017 mini track on Practice-based IS Research

Leidner, Dorothy Dorothy_Leidner at baylor.edu
Mon Mar 28 12:06:59 EDT 2016

50th HICSS
MINITRACK: Practice-based IS Research
January 4-7, 2017
Hilton Waikoloa Village

We invite papers to the Practice-based IS Research minitrack of the Organizational Systems and Technology track of HICSS 50.

This mini-track seeks to encourage practice-based research on new and emerging IS issues in organizations.  Practice-based research aspires to bridge the gap between academic theory and practice; it aspires both to introduce researchers to state of the art practices and issues from industry as well as introduce managers to research that makes sense of and brings coherence to the issues they face.  The methods used in practice-based research are often exploratory, field-based studies involving interviews, observations, and/or descriptive surveys.  The intense pressure to achieve methodological distinction and theoretical contribution often results in very current practice-based topics being eschewed by researchers, because the topics themselves are not mature enough in practice to achieve desirable samples or sample sizes, nor are they conducive to theorizing since so little is known.  These are precisely the reasons that exploratory, practice-based research can play a tremendous role in helping establish and lay the foundations of a research domain while providing insights into an emerging topic. This minitrack solicits high-quality, practice-based research.  Accepted articles will be considered for fast-tracking into MIS Quarterly Executive, a journal whose mission is to provide an outlet for high quality practice-based IS research.

The minitrack seeks research on current IS topics, such as but not limited to:

* Wearable technology opportunities and obstacles
* The device is just the beginning: Bring your own app challenges facing IT managers
* Enterprise IT's role as app developer and app life cycle manager, developing for speed
* The emergence of sports technology and its impact on sports consumption
* Equipping employees with omnipresent 4G - who needs it, who does not
* The impact of tablets on work productivity
* When big data is too big - how far should we go with big data?
* The threat from the other "C"s - how CIOs work with Chief Data Officers, Chief Media Officers, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Digital Officers
* IT in support of ethical consumption
* IT infrastructure in a hyperconnected world
* The Cloud: how far should we go?
* Transforming the role of technologist in a world of contracted services in the Cloud
* Measuring innovation from idea to integration, who really owns the risks and rewards?

Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, dorothy_leidner at baylor.edu
Bill Kettinger, University of Memphis, wjkttngr at memphis.edu
Ester Gonzalez, Cal-State Fullerton,   esgonzalez at Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU
Mike Milovich, Baylor University, Michael_Milovich at baylor.edu

June 15, 2016              Submission full manuscripts
August 15, 2016         Acceptance Notifications
September 15, 2016    Submission camera-ready paper
October 1, 2016         Early Registration fee deadline

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