[AISWorld] CFP - HICSS 2017 Mini-Track: Open Source Application Software, Organizing & Innovation

Aron Lindberg aron.lindberg at stevens.edu
Mon Apr 11 10:31:29 EDT 2016

HICSS 2017 Mini-Track: Open Source Application Software, Organizing & Innovation

Open Source (OS) is an approach to design and development based on shared and open access to a common set of design artifacts, driven by volunteer communities, or ‘crowds’. The original form of OS, software development, is seen as a harbinger for future forms of organizing and innovation. Work is increasingly being conducted by crowds on software platforms such as Github or Mechanical Turk, and innovations are often crowdsourced on platforms such as OpenIDEO, or shared in 3D printing communities such as Thingiverse. As OS is becoming an important paradigm for innovation, design, and development, the understanding of its basic mechanisms promises to deliver value to a wide range of phenomena. This minitrack solicits three types of submissions:

Work on OS application software and OS software platforms - Papers that focus on open source application software used for profit or non-profit purposes.
Work on the fundamental foundations of OS organizing - Papers that investigate the underlying principles by which open communities organize themselves and achieve effective coordination, learning, and stakeholder communication.
Work on OS innovation processes - Papers that inquire into OS innovation and the processes which lead to innovative, creative, and/or successful outcomes.
The types of studies that would be relevant for this mini-track include those that deal with the fundamental aspects of OS, but are not necessarily restricted to software (e.g. 3D printing, open hardware etc. are also relevant). Beyond this requirement, we are interested in all forms of research, including qualitative, quantitative, mixed, computational, and theoretical papers.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Alexandra Kees (Primary Contact) University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg alexandra.kees at h-brs.de

Aron Lindberg Stevens Institute of Technology aron.lindberg at stevens.edu

You can find further details here: http://www.hicss.org/#!os-application-organizing-and-innovation/c1lhi

The deadline for submission is June 15 (11:59 PM, Hawaii time).

Aron Lindberg
Assistant Professor of Information Systems
School of Business
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ

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