[AISWorld] Swanson, E.B., Guest Speaker - ASAC 2016 - IS Division

Josianne Marsan Josianne.Marsan at sio.ulaval.ca
Tue Apr 19 11:04:10 EDT 2016

Apologies for duplication due to cross-posting

Dear colleagues, dear students,

It is with great pleasure that I announce that E. Burton Swanson, PhD, Research Professor at UCLA Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, California, USA, will be the Guest Speaker of the Information Systems (IS) Division at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2016 Conference in Edmonton, June 4th-6th 2016.

E. Burton Swanson was the founding editor-in-chief of Information Systems Research (1987-1992) and associate editor of MIS Quarterly (1985-1988). He was also a co-founder of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Prof. Swanson was the recipient of the LEO Award for exceptional lifetime achievement, 2009, awarded by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) to recognize seminal work, exceptional sustained global contributions in the IS field, contributions impacting other fields, and exemplary professional and personal integrity. LEO Award recipients are expected to be a role model and an inspiration to colleagues and students within the IS field.

During the last IS divisional meeting at ASAC 2015 members of the IS Division discussed what the new path for their division should be. The shared vision is one of a nurturing and developmental path, where students and young scholars are guided by more seasoned scholars towards national and international contribution to research, practice and society. The visit of Burton, a LEO Award recipient, as the IS divisional speaker at ASAC 2016 is perfectly aligned with the IS Division vision. Moreover, the topic of the speech he will make at ASAC 2016 is chosen by Prof. Swanson in part to provoke young scholars to think about its application to their own work.

Title of the speech:

Overarching research questions


Overarching questions provide motivation for a body of research undertaken, although they often go unstated in the work and its publication. Why, and does this matter? In this talk, Burton Swanson explores this issue as it relates to his own work, in particular as it is motivated by the overarching question, "Why do some IS innovations diffuse widely, while others do not?". He addresses the locality and globality of IS innovations as it pertains to the overarching question.

My fellow divisional officers Nicole Wagner (McMaster University) and Hamid Nach (UQAR) and myself are certain that many peers and students will be happy to hear this speech and to reconnect or meet with Burton at ASAC 2016. We hope you will join us and Burton in Edmonton on June 4th-6th 2016. To register for the conference: http://www.asac.ca/asac2016confregistration

Josianne Marsan, IS Division Chair, ASAC
Josianne Marsan, Ph.D.
josianne.marsan at sio.ulaval.ca

Visiting Professor
Department of Information Technologies
HEC Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
Associate Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
Faculty of Business Administration
Universite Laval
Quebec, Quebec, CANADA

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