[AISWorld] DChanges 2016: ACM DocEng Workshop on (Document) Changes: modeling, detection, storage and visualization

Angelo Di Iorio angelo.diiorio at unibo.it
Fri May 13 04:19:15 EDT 2016

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***


                            4th International Workshop on

             (Document) Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization


          Part of 16th ACM SIGWEB International Symposium on Document Engineering

                      Vienna, Austria, September 13th, 2016


DChanges 2016 is the fourth edition of the International Workshop on (Document) Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization, held in conjunction with the 15th ACM SIGWEB International Symposium on Document Engineering. This year, the workshop will take place in Vienna, Austria, September 13th, 2016.

The focus of the workshop is the study of changes in all its aspects and applications: algorithms to detect changes, models to describe differences, techniques to track changes, versioning of human-readable as well as computer-oriented files, tools to detect meaningful changes among a myriad of modifications.

We want to look at these topics from different perspectives, and take on different approaches. The workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia. It is a unique occasion to discuss these issues in an informal setting and to foster collaboration.

The main topic of this year's edition is the application of diff algorithms to documents that are collaboratively edited via the web. Creating documents via web interfaces is becoming the standard in many environments, from academic papers to office documents. And not only textual documents are edited online, but also photos, music, videos and huge bodies of knowledge like Wikipedia. This poses new challenges to the way version control tools work, as they are mostly based around a no-longer applicable view of what "local files" inherited from source control. Is the research in the field of document changes ready to deal with these new forms of collaboration? How can the evolution of these documents be visualized? Are new diff algorithms and tools needed?

Besides contributions on these topics, we also seek contributions on, but not necessarily limited to:

        * Diffing and change tracking algorithms
                * Change modeling and representation
                * High-level differences
                * Detecting changes on complex data structures
                * Detecting changes on trees, graphs, diagrams and any kind of document
                * Novel approaches to tree-based diff
                * Edit-distance measures
                * Quality of deltas and patches
                * Editing patterns
                * Semantic diff

        * Merging
                * Management of update conflicts
                * N-way merge algorithms
                * Propagation of changes
                * Versioning systems

        * Versioning

        * Collaborative editing
                * Real-time collaborative editing
                * Distributed collaboration

        * Use in digital humanities
                * Collation
                * Text genetics
                * Stemmatology
                * Plagiarism detection

        * Applications of diff techniques from and to other domains
                * Software engineering
                * law
                * medicine
                * other sciences

        * Document and schema refactoring

Contributions from related areas are also well accepted.


The workshop will run a full day, divided in two parts to emphasize both theoretical/algorithmic aspects and practical applications. Ample space will be given to peer discussions and brainstorming about the results of the presentations and the ideas brought forth by participants.

A detailed schedule will be announced in August.


Proceedings will be published via ACM. Further details on the publication venue for the proceedings will be available soon.

Important Dates

* Abstracts are due: June 19th, 2016
* Papers and notes are due: July 3rd, 2016
* Acceptance notice: August 7th, 2016
* Camera ready: August 28th, 2016

Paper submission

Two types of submissions are possible:

* Application/demo notes: 2-4 pages long, showcasing systems or tools
* Research papers: 4-8 pages long, describing original and unpublished research

All papers must conform to the ACM SIG Proceedings format: <https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template>

Papers must be submitted to the EasyChair site <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dchanges2016>. All submissions will undergo a rigorous single blind review process.


* Gioele Barabucci, Universität zu Köln
* Uwe M. Borghoff, Universität der Bundeswehr München
* Angelo Di Iorio, Università di Bologna
* Sonja Schimmler, Universität der Bundeswehr München
* Ethan Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

For any question, please contact <dchanges at lists.cs.unibo.it>.

Program committee (Not yet finalized)

* Serge Autexier, DFKI Bremen
* Boris Konev, University of Liverpool
* Pascal Molli, Université de Nantes - LINA
* Sebastian Rönnau, Ravensburger GmbH
* Yannis Tzitzikas, University of Crete and FORTH-ICS
* Fabio Vitali, Università di Bologna
* Jean-Yves Vion-Dury, Xerox Research Centre Europe
* Andreas Winter, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
* Loutfouz Zaman, York University

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