[AISWorld] ICCES’2016 Final CFP

Sean B. Eom sbeom at semo.edu
Sat May 28 13:35:51 EDT 2016

ICCES'2016 Final CFP

Barcelona, Spain. 23 - 27 July 2016
Deadline Extended: 30 May, 2016
Notification: 05 June, 2016
Final version & Early Registration Deadline: 10 June, 2016

ICCES 2016 will be composed of research presentations, keynote 
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and 
poster presentations.

An important mission of ICCES is "Providing a unique platform for a 
diverse community. One main goal of the ICCES is to assemble a 
spectrum of affiliated research conferences into a coordinated 
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model 
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of 
computer science.

If your work is related to ICCES 2016 topics, it is now a good 
opportunity to submit your contribution through the Easychair system.
- Full paper (5 to 12 pages) formatted according to the LNCS style: 
-  Short paper (2 to 4 pages).
-  Poster Abstract (300 words).

Authors are invited to submit papers through the Eeasychair system. 
Submission Web pages is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icces16
If you encounter problems for submission, contact us at ices.conf at gmail.com
TOPICS: visit our website at http://www.ijist.net/ICCES16/

The best papers of ICCES 2016 will be selected for a special issue of 
indexed Journals:
- Library Hi tech: indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters
- International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector 
(IJISSS): indexed in Scopus
For more Information, Contact us: 
icces.conf at gmail.com      http://www.ijist.net/ICCES16/

Best regards,

Sean Eom

Sean Eom
Professor of MIS
Department of Accounting, MS 5815
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Tel. 573-651-2615 (Office)
       573-271-8770 (Home)
Fax  573-651-2992
e-mail: sbeom at semo.edu

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