[AISWorld] ACM BuildSys 2016: Abstract registrations due on 6/10

Pine Liu pine at cmu.edu
Fri Jun 3 22:03:20 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

As final reminder, abstract registrations for BuildSys are due in one week, on Friday 6/10, with final submissions due on Friday 6/17. We are accepting two types of submissions, 10-page Full papers and 4-page Notes papers. All accepted papers (notes and full) will be included in the proceedings of the conference.


10-page Full papers are expected to describe original research contributions in the areas of intelligent systems and applications for the built environment of the urban fabric, including not only buildings but also critical infrastructure systems, such as water, power, communications, and transportation that will make up the "smart cities" of the future. BuildSys is currently exploring the possibility of partnering with a journal, as part of a special issue, to ensure full papers are more broadly disseminated.

4-page Notes papers are intended to discuss preliminary research results, advocate new research directions, describe public software or datasets, or present short projects that do not warrant a 10 page paper. Notes papers serve, in part, to encourage younger researchers and research teams entering this field of research to share their work.  We also encourage Notes paper submissions from industry participants that may not be able to devote resources to a full paper.   While Notes papers are not expected to have extensive evaluations, they will be reviewed based on the novelty of their ideas, potential for impact, and quality of presentation.

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