[AISWorld] Summer School on Software Engineering - Bolzano, Italy, September 13-15

Xiaofeng Wang littlefeng at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 05:05:46 EDT 2016

International Summer School on Software Engineering @Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Bolzano, Italy
September 13-15, 2016
seschool2016.inf.unibz.it <http://seschool2016.inf.unibz.it/>

The 2016 Summer School on Software Engineering hosted by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano <www.unibz.it>, Italy, is a three-day event featuring five tutorials delivered by leading researchers in the software engineering field.

The school is mainly intended for PhD and Master students interested in the latest findings in software engineering.


Prem Devanbu, University of California (USA)
On the Naturalness of Software, and how to exploit it for Fun and Profit

Massimiliano Di Penta, Università degli Studi del Sannio (Italy)
Applying Search-Based Optimization Techniques to Software Engineering Problems: Challenges and Practical Solutions

Rocco Oliveto, Università degli Studi del Molise (Italy)
Learning Empirical Software Engineering from my Mistakes

Mauro Pezzè, Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland) and Università di Milano Bicocca (Italy)
Self-healing Software Systems

Denys Poshyvanyk, The College of William and Mary (USA)
Maintaining and Evolving Mobile Apps



School Directors:
        Gabriele Bavota (gabriele.bavota at unibz.it <mailto:gabriele.bavota at unibz.it> <mailto:gabriele.bavota at unibz.it <mailto:gabriele.bavota at unibz.it>>)
        Barbara Russo (barbara.russo at unibz.it <mailto:barbara.russo at unibz.it> <mailto:barbara.russo at unibz.it <mailto:barbara.russo at unibz.it>>)


The registration fee to the summer school is 80EUR and includes attendance to the five tutorials, lunches during the three days of the summer school, and a social dinner scheduled on September 14 2016.

More information at: http://seschool2016.inf.unibz.it <http://seschool2016.inf.unibz.it/>

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