[AISWorld] Information Systems Journal - Special Issue: Storytelling and Information Systems

Alexander Richter aric at itu.dk
Wed Jul 6 03:32:41 EDT 2016

Information Systems Journal - Special Issue: Storytelling and Information Systems


[Please find an extended version of this call at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2575/homepage/special_issues.htm]


In recent years there has been increasing interest in the relevance of storytelling in a range of contexts, including education, commerce, community building, and not at least in Information Systems development. With this special issue we want to contribute to the discourse of stories and storytelling in organisations enabled by IS or used to promote IS development and usage. We are looking for papers from any scientific mode of enquiry, i.e. exploratory, experimental, theoretical and engineering papers. Papers should have a clear relationship to IS.


Topics that might be addressed in the special issue include but are not limited to:

• Definitions of storytelling in the workplace or other organizational settings relevant to IS.  What are the current applications of storytelling in IS? 

• Empirical studies into the significance of informal storytelling in IS. Storytelling as a naturally occurring phenomenon and its importance for organizational knowledge sharing. 

• Stories as sense making, as narratives which enact or re-create realities.

• The significance of storytelling as a knowledge management tool.  Storytelling as a means of disseminating organizational culture or transmitting values. 

• Storytelling for fostering collaboration and in collaborative problem solving.  How and when to deploy storytelling in IS projects?

• Storytelling in IS-induced organizational change. How storytelling can spark action, evoke a vision and lead people into the future.  

• The use of metaphors in telling stories about IS. Which metaphors are used and how do they contribute to IS projects?

• How the adoption of storytelling is influencing or changing knowledge exchange in IS. 

• The influence of media choice on the effectiveness of storytelling.  

• Novel or new uses of storytelling in IS. 



Extended Abstracts deadline: October 1st 2016 (optional, but encouraged)

Submission due date: March 1st 2017 

1st round reviews: September 1st 2017

1st round revisions: December 1st 2017

2nd round reviews: June 1st 2018

Final revisions: September 1st 2018

Expected publication: 2019


Special Issue Guest Editors:

Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zurich, Switzerland (schwabe at ifi.uzh.ch)

Erik Wende, University of Zurich, Switzerland and CEO EWerk Leipzig (wende at ifi.uzh.ch)

Alexander Richter, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (aric at itu.dk)

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