[AISWorld] Reminder: A comprehensive draft of MSIS 2016 is now available for review and comments

Heikki Topi hetopi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 04:16:18 EDT 2016

Dear members of the IS community:

The MSIS 2016 Task Force would greatly appreciate your feedback on the
draft report that was released in July. Please see the original call for
feedback below.

The joint AIS/ACM MSIS 2016 Task Force is pleased to release a
comprehensive draft of MSIS 2016, the revised graduate level curriculum
recommendation, for public review and comments. This draft is available
through http://msis2016.org or directly at http://bit.ly/MSIS2016_
July2016Draft .

Feedback from the IS community is essential for the task force to be able
to complete our work on the document. Thus, please take some time to review
this draft and leave us comments either on the msis2016.org site or send
them directly to the task force co-chairs by e-mail (htopi at bentley.edu or
ekarsten at abo.fi). The task force will be meeting at AMCIS 2016 to review
the feedback and work on the final version of the document. Therefore, we
would ask that you provide your comments by *August 10, 2016*.

Following successful panels at ECIS 2016 and PACIS 2016, there will also be
a panel session on MSIS 2016 at AMCIS -- hope to see you there!

We greatly appreciate your feedback -- thank you in advance!

On behalf of the task force,

Heikki Topi and Eija Karsten, MSIS 2016 task force co-chairs

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