[AISWorld] Two Full PhD Scholarships Available at The University of Newcastle, Australia

Jelena Jovanovic jeljov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 04:46:49 EDT 2016

Two full PhD scholarships starting in 2017 are currently available at the
University of Newcastle (UON), Australia. One of the scholarships is
specifically for a project on “Cybersecurity and Machine Learning”, while
the other scholarship is open to topics such as evolutionary games and
complex networks, energy-efficient production scheduling, optimisation or
machine learning in general.

If you have:

ü  completed at least four years of undergraduate study and have attained
Honours Class 1 or equivalent;

ü  proven English proficiency (IELTS of at least 6.5);

ü  international peer reviewed research publications;

ü  a master degree by research (or with strong research components);

then please get in touch with Dr Raymond Chiong by sending your CV to him
at Raymond.Chiong at newcastle.edu.au as soon as possible. Shortlisted
candidates will be asked to write a 2 to 3-page proposal demonstrating your
understanding of the chosen topic.

You may also look at general scholarships available from the UON (next
round’s due date is Sept 15, 2016):


Chinese students should look at this too:


*The UON is ranked in the top 3 per cent of universities in the world,
according to two global independent ranking systems. It has an agreement
with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to enrol PhD candidates funded by
the CSC. CSC candidates are highly valued by the UON and recognised as
being high achievers.*

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