[AISWorld] Cognitive Computing, Call for Papers -- IEEE IT Professional; Submission deadline: 1 December 2016

San Murugesan san at computer.org
Thu Aug 25 21:32:37 EDT 2016


IEEE Computer Society

IT Professional



Cognitive Computing

Submission deadline: 1 December 2016
Publication: July/August 2017

Cognitive computing refers to smart systems that learn at scale, reason with
purpose, and interact with humans and other smart systems naturally. Rather
than being explicitly programmed, such systems learn and reason from their
interactions with us and from their experiences with their environment. They
are made possible by advances in several scientific fields over the past
half-century, and are different in important ways from the information
systems that preceded them. We already interact with services enabled by
cognitive computing, such as Apple Siri, IBM Watson, Microsoft Cortana,
Google Go, and Amazon Echo.

This special issue of IT Professional seeks to provide readers with an
overview of the current issues and practices related to cognitive computing
as well as a look into the future as IT professionals and technologies
become indispensable as key enablers of product and service development and
the creation of new markets. We seek articles from industry, business,
academia, and government. Articles should be novel, have a practical
orientation, and be written in a style accessible to practitioners. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to the following: 

*	The relationship between AI, machine intelligence, and cognitive
*	Cognitive computing applications for the enterprise 
*	Embedded AI and cognitive systems 
*	Cognitive systems and intelligent virtual assistants
*	Machine intelligence and the Internet of Things
*	Machine learning algorithms and approaches
*	The role of big data and traditional analytics
*	Autonomous systems and processes 
*	The impact on human computer interfaces
*	Knowledge processes: capture, access, and reuse with cognitive
*	The cognitive computing problem space
*	Neuroscience foundations of information processing
*	The role of knowledge engineering 
*	Humans working with machines and the impact on the workforce 
*	Ontologies and semantic structures  
*	Commerce applications for cognitive agent technologies
*	Sensors and networks
*	Cloud-centric cognitive computing
*	Cognitive computing implications for service innovation


Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words with no more than 20
references (with tables and figures counting as 300 words). Illustrations
are welcome. For author guidelines, including sample articles, please see:

Submit your article at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itpro-cs. 


For more information, please contact the Guest Editors: 

*	Haluk Demirkan, University of Washington-Tacoma, haluk at uw.edu
<mailto:saeed at ca.ibm.com> 
*	Seth Earley, Earley Information Science, seth at earley.com
*	Robert Harmon, Portland State University, harmonr at pdx.edu


Professor San Murugesan 

Director, BRITE Professional Services

Editor-in-Chief, IEEE  <http://www.computer.org/itpro> IT Professional

Editor, IEEE  <http://www.computer.org/computer> Computer and Cloud Cover

Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University

Sydney, Australia


Website:  <http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> http://tinyurl.com/sanbio

Email:  <mailto:san1 at internode.net> san1 at internode.net





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