[AISWorld] Two Pre-ICIS Workshops on Openness

Matt Germonprez germonprez at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 08:11:14 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We are extremely excited to announce two, one-day, pre-ICIS workshops at
the O’Connell House in Dublin, Ireland on December 10th and 11th. The
workshops are being organized through a unique collaboration between the
Open Collaboration Data Factories (OCDF), Lero – the Irish Software
Research Centre, the TOTO Project, and SIGOPEN, and the Irish Chapter of
the AIS, with the venue provided by the University of Notre Dame:


*Workshop 1 (December 10th): Issues in Shared and Collaborative Scientific
*Workshop 2 (December 11th): SIGOPEN 2016 Developmental Workshop for
Openness Research*

The two, one-day workshops will bring together researchers engaged in the
study of technology-enabled openness. This includes such issues as shared
science and citizen science, open source software and open content,
crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, and related areas.

People participating in either workshop will be provided the opportunity to
contribute towards a workshop report to be published through CAIS at the
conclusion of the workshops. As a service, the organizing committees will
aggregate the speaker talks as well as gather relevant issues raised during
the workshops in preparation for a collective CAIS submission.

Participants are welcome to submit to, and to participate in, both
workshops, but are not obligated to do so. Submissions to a single workshop
are also welcome.

*Workshop 1 (December 10th): Issues in Shared and Collaborative Scientific
The first workshop is funded through SAVI: NSF #1449209 and 1449188 and
explores research as a significant driver of innovation, creator of
economic activity, and agent for social well-being. The workshop will
highlight the new methods that researchers use in open settings, include
investigating how tools may be designed to support different modes of
collaboration, theory development from rich qualitative methods, or open
publishing strategies. While research contexts are shared across research
colleagues, differences in data and methods leads to fragmented discourse
across disciplines, publications, and impact. Issues of coherence within
different communities studying the same data makes discussion about
particular research issues difficult.

This workshop will explore obstacles to progressing shared science across
disciplines. Participants will focus on identifying and removing known and
yet to be identified obstacles to shared and collaborative scientific
research. Building a community of scholars who address differences in
research aims, data, and methods will enable a new, interdisciplinary
synthesis of knowledge. Our aim is to increase the coherence of scientific
and public communication across existing disciplines. Discussions,
activities, and presentations in the first workshop are expected to be
social, organizational, and technical in nature.

*Workshop 1 Financial Support:* In association with the first workshop
(December 10th), up to six (6) OCDF Fellowships ($1,000 USD) will be
awarded. The fellowships are competitive and can be used to cover travel
costs. If you are interested in receiving an OCDF Fellowship, please
indicate this in your workshop application packet. The fellowships are
precisely aimed at identifying researchers exploring emerging issues in
shared and collaborative scientific activity (Workshop 1). Only one member
of a research team will be eligible for an OCDF Fellowship and preference
will be given to Ph.D. students, early career academics, and
underrepresented groups in IT.

*Workshop 1 Submissions: *Participation in the first workshop is free and
will be limited to 25 participants. As this is an emerging area of
interest, not all participants are expected to be experienced researchers
in shared and collaborative scientific research. However, as part of the
workshop, we ask that you reflect on and prepare your thoughts and
questions in this area. Interested participants must submit a packet

1)     A one-page summary of your interest in shared and collaborative
scientific research
2)     A brief slide deck summarizing your interest in shared and
collaborative scientific research
3)     A current CV
4)     Indication to be considered for an OCDF Fellowship

Email submissions to Kevin Lumbard (klumbard at unomaha.edu) and Matt
Germonprez (germonprez at gmail.com).

*Workshop 1 Dates:*
Submission Packet Due Date: October 4th
Notification of Acceptance to the Workshop: October 20th
Notification of Fellowship: October 20th
Workshop: December 10th

*Workshop 1 Organizing Committee:*
Matt Germonprez – University of Nebraska at Omaha
Sean Goggins – University of Missouri
Susan Winter – University of Maryland
Joseph Feller – University College Cork
Gaye Kiely – University College Cork
Kieran Conboy – Lero, National University of Ireland – Galway
Brian Fitzgerald – Lero, University of Limerick
Klaas-Jan Stol – Lero, University of Limerick
Kevin Lumbard – University of Nebraska at Omaha
Georg Link – University of Nebraska at Omaha
Local Organizing Chair: Greg Madey, University of Notre Dame

*Workshop 2 (December 11th): SIGOPEN 2016 Developmental Workshop for
Openness Research*

Building on the success of previous workshops at ECIS and ICIS in 2013 and
2015, AIS SIGOPEN invites researchers to submit extended abstracts to the
SIGOPEN 2016 Developmental Workshop for Openness Research in the following
broad areas:

   - The Peer Production of Knowledge Goods (e.g. open source software,
   hardware, content and design; the collaborative economy and the sharing
   society; etc.),
   - Collective Intelligence, Action and Resources (e.g. open innovation;
   the wisdom/wealth/power of crowds; social media in extreme events; citizen
   science; volunteer computing; crowdsourcing/funding; etc.),
   - Open Science and Education (e.g. open data/access; publishing and data
   management conflicts; open teaching and learning; micro-scholarship; open
   peer-review; etc.)

The focus of the workshop is on research project design and paper
development. We invite you to present your research-in-progress. The
SIGOPEN workshop is amenable to new ideas, and is open to all interested
scholars and professionals who are researching in the area of openness as
broadly conceived above. The unique and collegial character of the workshop
will help ensure constructive, helpful, and high-quality feedback. This is
a great opportunity for you to mature your ideas, meet other researchers in
related areas, and learn about emerging research in a relaxed and
supportive setting.

Papers will be presented, and then workshopped in small group discussions
in a round-table format. Small groups will be formed around the themes of
submissions. Participants will be expected to read and comment on other
papers in their group. The goal is to help move the work forward to
research execution and/or publication in other venues.

*Workshop 2 Costs:*
Participation in this workshop is free and will be limited to 25
participants. The workshop is funded by the Lewis Charitable Foundation via
the TOTO project at Cork University Business School.

*Workshop 2 Submissions:*
Those interested in sharing and discussing their research-in-progress
should submit an extended abstract of five (5) single-spaced pages using
the ICIS 2016 submission template. All text, figures, tables, and
appendices must be included within the page limit. The cover page,
abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.
Submissions should be emailed to Joseph Feller (jfeller at ucc.ie).

*Workshop 2 Dates:*
Submission Date: October 4th
Notification of Acceptance to the Workshop: October 20th
Workshop: December 11th

*Workshop 2 Organizing Committee:*
Joseph Feller - University College Cork
Matt Germonprez - University of Nebraska-Omaha
Matt Levy - Hawaii Pacific University
Lorraine Morgan - LERO, NUI Galway
Local Organizing Chair: Greg Madey, University of Notre Dame

Mutual of Omaha Associate Professor
Information Systems
College of Information Science & Technology
University of Nebraska Omaha

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