[AISWorld] AIS SIG Social Inclusion Post-ICIS Workshop -- SOCIAL INCLUSION AT THE CROSSROADS -- Final CFP

Carter, Michelle michelle.carter at wsu.edu
Mon Sep 12 12:41:28 EDT 2016

Final CFP for the AIS SIG Social Inclusion (SIGSI) 2nd Post-ICIS Research Workshop 2016, in Dublin, Ireland, to be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm.

Submissions Deadline: Friday, September 16, 2016. This is the final deadline; there will be no deadline extension.


All forms of oppression are connected. They are connected by common elements of power and control ranging from harsh to insidious—from violence and death to norms of exclusion and inherited privilege. It is this connectivity, consequence, and subtly of oppression that fuels social inclusion (SI) research. SI provides a wide-angle lens through which we can understand the social acceptance and support of people with diverse identities, including gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, and disability.

In information systems, researchers have applied the SI lens to a variety of issues related to access, use, and development of technology. Like other areas, this research tends to be carried out by a core set of researchers with a passion for social justice. This passion sustains their perseverance and builds expertise. But a core group narrows the scope of topics to which we can apply SI. This limits our thinking and prevents us from seeing connections between forms of oppression that can allow us to systematically redress injustices.

In the 2016 Post-ICIS research workshop, SIGSI extends the SI lens to scholarship it has yet to illuminate. Following the general conference theme, the workshop theme is "social inclusion at the crossroads". Crossroads reflect an Irish tradition; it is a place between communities were people gather to meet, share, and celebrate. Social inclusion at the crossroads unites disparate perspectives, research disciplines, methods and values, for social justice.

The workshop will involve examination of crossroad issues via participant discussion, panels, and speakers. In the spirit of stoking the fire ahead of this meeting, we encourage the IS community to reflect on crossroad issues with colleagues and doctoral students.

* How could you look at your most recent research project with a social inclusion lens?
* How are the problems we examine, the methods we use, and the solutions we propose, affected by a social inclusion perspective?
* How does the composition of the AIS community affect our research?
* How do social inclusion issues shape doctoral education?
* What are the social inclusion crossroad issues that affect IS research and initiatives, such as IT-healthcare, big data, technology use, virtual teams, BRIGHT IT?

The workshop will also include paper presentations and paper roundtables. In addition to regular submissions on social inclusion topics, we encourage submission of extended abstracts and articles at the crossroads of social inclusion. Submitted research can be conceptual, analytical, empirical or design-oriented. It is not necessary to submit a paper in order to attend the workshop.

*** Important Dates ***

Submissions Deadline: Friday, September 16, 2016.

Notification of acceptance or rejection: Friday, October 14, 2016.

At least one author must register and attend the workshop to present, if the work is accepted. Author registration deadline: Friday, November 18, 2016.

*** Instructions for Contributors ***

We welcome:
* Completed research papers (up to 14 pages)
* Research-in-progress papers (up to 7 pages)
* Extended abstracts (up to 3 pages)

All submissions will be reviewed. Papers should not have been published previously in proceedings or journals, nor be concurrently under review elsewhere; however, it is a general aim of the workshop that accepted papers will subsequently be submitted to high quality outlets.  The Workshop Committee encourages a paper-less event. In line with this, the presentation files, abstracts of papers, and research papers shared by the author(s) will be compiled and shared with registrants on a flash drive. Author(s) retain copyright.

Papers should be submitted electronically to: sigsocialinclusion at gmail.com<mailto:sigsocialinclusion at gmail.com>. Questions regarding submissions should be directed to Hala Annabi at hpannabi at uw.edu<mailto:hpannabi at uw.edu>

Papers should be formatted in accordance with the ICIS 2016 template and submitted in MS Word format. All submissions should have a cover page, which includes the paper title, submission type, authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses. The main body of the paper should have a title but no author names. Completed research and research-in-progress papers should include abstracts of no more than 150 word in the main body of the paper. Page limitations include title, text, tables, figures, and appendices. Page limitations do not include the cover page, abstract, and references.*** Selected papers may be invited to submit to The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems for full review.  Incoming EICs, Stacie Petter and Tom Stafford will be available at the workshop to discuss this opportunity ***


Register for the workshop through the ICIS website: http://icis2016.aisnet.org/registration/

Early bird registration fees (in US Dollars) are: AIS Member*, $75; AIS Student*, $25; AIS Professional or Non-AIS, $100.  After Oct. 4th,  regular fees are: AIS Member*, $85; AIS Student*, $30; AIS Professional or Non-AIS, $110.  From Dec. 1st and onsite registration: AIS Member*, $100; AIS Student*, $35; AIS Professional or Non-AIS, $125. . The registration fee is inclusive of coffee/tea and biscuits, dinner, and flash drive.  Registration fees include one-year SIGSI membership ($10 annual fee) for AIS Members and AIS Student Members only.


SIGSI greatly appreciates sponsorship from the Information School at the University of Washington to subsidize student registration and flash drives used for the proceedings.

***Workshop Committee***

For information contact the 2016 workshop committee:

Hala Annabi hpannabi at uw.edu<mailto:hpannabi at uw.edu>
Michelle Carter michelle.carter at wsu.edu<mailto:michelle.carter at wsu.edu>
Lakshmi Iyer lsiyer at uncg.edu<mailto:lsiyer at uncg.edu>
Jaime Windeler jaime.windeler at uc.edu<mailto:jaime.windeler at uc.edu>

Michelle Carter
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management, Information Systems and Entrepreneurship Carson College of Business Washington State University

President, AIS SIG Social Inclusion (SIG SI)

phone: 404-428-6463
email:  michelle.carter at wsu.edu<mailto:michelle.carter at wsu.edu>
skype:  michellecart
linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-carter-wsu<http://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-carter-wsu>

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