[AISWorld] Reminder: (Pre-ICIS) The Fifteenth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2016), 12/10/2016, Dublin, Ireland

Zhang, Han Han.Zhang at scheller.gatech.edu
Mon Sep 12 13:33:14 EDT 2016

The Fifteenth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2016)
December 10th 2016
Dublin, Ireland 

The Workshop on e-Business (WeB) is a premier annual one-day conference on e-Business and e-Commerce held in conjunction with International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The purpose of WeB is to provide an open forum for e-Business researchers and practitioners world-wide, to share topical research findings, explore novel ideas, discuss success stories and lessons learned, map out major challenges, and collectively chart future directions for e-Business.

The theme of WeB 2016 is "Internetworked World". Digitalization, consumerization, global platforms, and transformative innovations are causing industry convergence at a record pace. The lifespan of companies has shortened, restructuring can happen over night, and in the leading cases there are extra-ordinary super-normal profits being reaped - if the partnering e-Business and Social Media networks are constructed properly and effectively engage customers. This has opened a wholly new opportunity for consumers to take advantage of global supply of goods and services over the Internet and logistics, resulting in the growth of a new generation of Internet consumers. Simultaneously, innovative nations are establishing co-operation between industry, government and consumers/citizens to boost service co-creation and to transform public and private sector efficiency and thus create new jobs. The novel technologies are making it affordable for both entrants and incumbents to try innovative ideas within their businesses in weeks, days, or minutes with the help of global platforms and networks. The consumer response and disruptive effects can be seen in real-time on social media and tracked via big data analytics.

WeB 2016 provides a forum for scholars to exchange ideas and share findings on the above themes. We invite original research articles with a broad coverage of behavioural issues on consumers, citizens, businesses, industries and governments, ranging from technical to strategic issues. We are calling for papers in the following areas, but not limited to these areas:
     - International e-Business
     - Incentives, disruptions and obstacles in global e-Business
     - Policies on the sharing economy and platform economy
     - Intelligent response systems in e-Business
     - e-Business and Social Media
     - Big Data methods, analysis and tools
     - Privacy and security
     - Research methods/methodology, agendas, and work in progress.

All papers must be submitted online via the EasyChair site, and will undergo blind reviews. We solicit both completed research and short research-in-progress submissions. Complete research papers should be no more than 12 pages in length, including the abstract, text, figures, tables, and references. Short research-in-progress papers should not exceed 7 pages. 
All texts (excluding title and section headings) must be in 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper must be single-spaced with 1-inch margin. Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word. The first page of the paper should include the title and the abstract. Please do not disclose any author information in the manuscript. Authors of the accepted papers will present their work in the workshop. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of WEB 2016. Selected papers will be published in Springer series  (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing). 

Please submit your contribution through the link in the conference website: http://web2016.utu.fi

Deadline for submissions: Sep. 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance: Oct. 15, 2016
Final versions and author registration: Nov. 20, 2016

Conference Co-Chairs:

William Golden, NUI Galway, Ireland
Jukka Heikkilä, University of Turku, Finland
Michael J. Shaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Program Co-Chairs:

Ming Fan, University of Washington, USA
Hongxiu Li, University of Turku, Finland
Han Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Workshop Sponsors:
University of Turk, Finland

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